As reported in the Spilsby Standard in August 2016


East Kirkby Parish Council has funded a potentially lifesaving piece of equipment for the village.

A defibrillator, which will be kept next to the Red Lion pub, was purchased through ‘LIVES’ charity.

Parish Chairman, Councillor Brian Nowicki, said: “East Kirkby Parish Council has sponsored this defibrillator as it recognises that this type of vital, lifesaving equipment, is necessary and also needs to be immediately available to the community”.

The defibrillator cost £1350.00 and the parish council funded the unit largely from the annual precept.

A generous contribution of £200.00 was given by East Lindsey District Councillor Jim Swanson towards defibrillator unit funds.

Cllr. Nowicki continued: “The parish council supported defibrillator has been located centrally in the village, on the side of the Red Lion pub, and is available 24/7 for those who may have urgent need of it”.

Landlord of the Red Lion is Tom Anderson who has kindly agreed to provide electricity to keep the defibrillator unit functioning and the unit was installed, free of charge, by villager Chris Warman.

Cllr. Nowicki said: “Whilst the defibrillator talks through its functions, and procedures, when being used, volunteers, parish councillors, and other villagers will undertake training, provided by ‘LIVES’, to give back-up to the process”.

‘LIVES’ stands for ‘Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service’ and is made up of medics and responders who give up their time to assist with medical emergencies in their local area before the ambulance service arrives at the scene.

“The parish council hopes that the defibrillator will never be used but is very happy in the knowledge that should it be required it is there, always ready to save lives” explained Cllr. Nowicki