East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

18th April 2019 - 19.30 start

Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, V Lingard, District Cllr J Swanson, County Cllr B Aron, Members of the Public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies received/accepted: Cllr C Roe


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.

Public meeting:  No MoP present. Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.37.




Approval of the minutes from March 2019 meeting:

Chairman ascertained that all had read the March minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Chairman asked for a councillor to proposed acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.

Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.








Members’ and Clerk’s report back:

War memorial update: Chairman showed the Councillors pictures of the Tommy Silhouette base at Sibsey for illustration against the proposed East Kirkby installation.

Council will apply for Listed Building planning application once funds have been raised to purchase the 2 proposed silhouettes. Carry forward.

Chairman advised council that he has been trying to contact the living relatives of those commemorated on the Memorial and has been speaking to Look North and BBC Radio Lincolnshire. Chairman will be on BBC Radio Lincolnshire on 14th May for an interview, to be broadcast at 11.40.

Chairman asked Cllr Lingard if she'd contact the Blackbourn family as she knows them well. Chairman has contacted Professor David Blackbourn at Harvard but has had no response. Chairman has appealed to Murphy Group for assistance with Road Closure signs and barriers. Awaiting final confirmation, but response from the Murphy Group was positive.


Footpath: Cllr Brown advised that the Hagnaby Priory to Cobblers Corner footpath is visible in parts, but still well-covered.  Chairman asked Cllr Aron to look in to re-opening that footpath. Cllr Aron suggested chasing Mr Ratcliffe for the list of scheduled works from the parish walk-about. Chairman will list the agreed items and send list to Cllr Aron, allowing him to chase work dates.


Community Session at West Keal: Cllr Brandwood did not attend.


Election papers: Clerk advised that the papers were successfully delivered with minimal corrections. Councillors confirmed that they had received their confirmation of acceptance papers.











Cllr Lingard









Cllr Aron






Update from Cllr Aron:

Community session at WestKeal: Speaker was a minimum of 30 minutes late, so Cllr Aron could not stay.


Usher Gallery:  Closure still causing controversy. Consultation runs till 24th April. Plan is to continue using the Usher Gallery as a gallery, but in a minor capacity.



Update from Cllr Swanson:

Cllr Swanson advised that there was little to report, other than the Five-Year plan which has been agreed, but has yet to be communicated down.



Financial matters:

Clerk's wages: Wages of £76.00 and £50.40 in mileage, totalling £126.40.

Minute Ref: 100/01


Invoice was proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Lingard and unanimously agreed.


Clerk confirmed that Precept confirmation had been received.


Chairman and Clerk will present the annual accounts at the May meeting.







Planning Applications:  None received.


Clerk showed the councillors the reply from Mr Panton, Head of Planning to the request for clarification regarding the delay in connection with the publication of the revised planning application S/046/1765/18. The Councillors discussed the reply and agreed that it did not answer the question nor was it generally well-received. Council accepted that this was the expected level of response to a complaint.


Cllr Brandwood queried if planning permission is required for a static caravan on a building plot. Cllr Swanson will confirm one way or the other.









Cllr Swanson

Communications/Urgent items for discussion: None

Councillor & Clerks Networking day on 4th July. Chairman and Clerk will attend.


Cllr Brandwood showed an old document purchased via e-bay. This document gives information on East Kirkby. Sections will be published through The Tannoy.



Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance, attention and contribution and closed the meeting at 21.00.


Minutes can be found on the village notice board and via:



Next meeting is on Thursday 16th May 2019 - starting at 19.30. This will include the AGM.


Dates for 2019 meetings: 20th June; 18th July; 19th September; 17th October; 5th December – all meetings start at 19.30.


(All dates are subject to change)



Mrs Janne Mussett

E-mail: eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

Tel: 01205 336515