East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

8th September 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, D Brown, Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: County Cllr W Gray, District Cllr T Taylor


Public meeting:

Chairman opened the meeting at 19.05 and asked everyone to join in observing a minute’s silence in honour and remembrance of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away earlier in the day.


Anglian Water (AW): Clerk reported that AW had been contacted by letter and confirmed that a survey at the East Keal station was carried out on 18th August 2022.

MoP re-iterated that the smells on Main Road are still present and that a large man-hole is not air-tight and appears to be the source of the unpleasant smelling air. Cllr Brandwood also reported smells earlier in week commencing 5th September. It was also mentioned that AW have at no point addressed the concern raised in the letter from EKPC regarding the impact of the effluence of the proposed 600 home development in Spilsby.


AE Lentons: Carry forward to October


Highways walk-about: The date has been set as 6th October 1pm at the Village Hall.


Overgrowing vegetation: MoP mentioned an overgrown tree impacting the street light. The tree is on Main Road roughly by no. 15. Chairman mentioned that Cllr Gray has been advised of a number of visibility issues due to overgrowing vegetation. Vegetation being beyond the boundary of the householder.  Cllr Lingard confirmed that the council initially planted most of the trees in question.

Action: Clerk to chase Cllr Gray


Dog bin: MoP raised the matter of the dog poo bins.

Action: Clerk to chase Cllr Taylor.


Chairman closed the meeting at 19.45 and thanked everybody present for their input.


Approval of minutes from July 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Brandwood suggested approval, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from Cllr Gray: Clerk had distributed Cllr Gray’s report to all councillors earlier.  


Update from last month

Village information board: Quote from Sprint has still not been received and it was generally agreed that we need to seek a different supplier. Cllr Lingard mentioned a supplier that was used for the church and it was agreed that Cllr Lingard would provide contact information to Chairman or Clerk.

Action: Cllr Lingard to provide contact information.


Queen’s Jubilee grant: Clerk advised Council that the benches have been ordered and are arriving on 27th September and will be delivered to Cllr Brandwood.


Coronation Oak: In view of the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it was agreed that this should be made into an event commemorating the reign of Her Majesty. Cllr Brandwood suggested that the words one the village plaque also be changed to reflect this.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to October meeting.


Neighbourhood planning: Before discussing Neighbourhood Planning, it was brought to the attention of the Parish Council that Foundations & Buildings are constructing a roadway access from the site onto the A155. This new access point is at a dangerous spot and offers poor visibility exiting the site.  Chairman has raised an Enforcement query via the ELDC Planning Department with regards to Foundations & Buildings being in non-compliance of their original planning application. Enforcement have confirmed that the query will be investigated.


The very first step in Neighbourhood Planning is to gauge the viewpoint of the villagers. It was agreed that Cllr Brandwood would post an invitation to all the parishioners to voice their opinion.

Action: Cllr Brandwood and Chairman will sit and work out the wording for the flyer.

Action: Clerk to chase Cllr Taylor for contact details for help with Neighbourhood Plan.


Road Signs: Cllr Brandwood mentioned that the corner of Fen Road and A155 has been tidied up and mentioned that the Fen Road sign is broken and asked if a new one could be requested.

Action: Clerk to request new road sign.


Local Policing: It was mentioned that a local business was burgled recently and quite a lot of equipment was taken. The matter was reported to the police who offered up an Incident Number, but no visit. It was suggested that Council contact the local policing team and ask for a return to the Police Surgeries that used to be held in the village hall.


Financial matters:

Statement of Internal Financial Control: Clerk had distributed to all councillors and asked for the Statement to be ratified. Unanimously agreed.

Minute ref: 168/01


Chairman advised Council that there is a possibility of opting out of the AGAR procedure. This is an onerous step and it was agreed that this is not appropriate for East Kirkby.


Royal British Legion: Cllr Brandwood advised that Royal British Legion can no longer issue invoices, but will issue a receipt for donations in connection with the RBL Wreath, which has been ordered.


Invoices received: Clerk’s wages totalling £219.80. Invoice was unanimously agreed.

Minute ref: 168/02


Planning applications/Consultations:

Parish council has been made aware that there is a suggestion from the landlord at the Red Lion that the ‘old’ corner shop, could be turned into a shop (with Post Office in the future) along with turning the upstairs into a holiday let.  This led on to a discussion about the works that also seem to be progressing at Cobbler’s Corner (Owner: Jamie Cartwright).

Chairman voiced a motion for Council regarding contacting the landlord of the Red Lion and the gentleman who owns Cobblers Corner to seek clarification on what their intentions are and what they are doing regarding seeking planning approval. Chairman asked for Councillors to vote for this motion which was carried by a majority.

Action: Clerk to write to both.


Other matters for discussion:

MacMillan Coffee Morning is on FRIDAY 30th SEPTEMBER at Woodbine Cottage, 1 Fen Road from 10am to 2pm. Cllr Brandwood to provide details to Clerk, who put the information on the parish website.


Chairman closed the meeting at 20.50.



Next meeting date:  Thursday 20th October 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Last date for 2022 meetings:  1st December


Dates for 2023 meetings: 19th January;   16th February;   16th March

(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.