East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting
17th October 2024 19.00 start
East Kirkby Village Hall
Public meeting: Chairman opened the public meeting at 19.02 and welcomed everyone.
Bus shelter: Chairman advised that there were 6 responses to the 17 letters delivered to residents regarding the proposed bus shelter. All of which were positive. There were no negative comments. Chairman advised that he and the Clerk visited one of the parishioners who had raised some very valid points. Chairman and Clerk addressed these points and gave reassurances to the parishioner that if the bus shelter is misused in any way, the Parish Council reserves the right to arrange for the shelter to be taken down. The plan is for the Parish Council to write to Manor Care Home and ask them to advise their staff that they cannot use this shelter as a smoking area. Parents will be asked to help police this in the future.
Chairman proposed that the parish council support the bus shelter as part of the request from the public, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Unanimous support given at the subsequent vote.
Action: Chairman/Clerk to write to Manor Care Home.
Ossian project: Chairman attended an open day relating to the Ossian project. MoP who raised the issue also attended. Chairman quickly advised all present of the project. Possible start date is in 2030. Approval has still not been given by Scottish Parliament.
Biker Night: Chairman has written to Mr Panton regarding the noise who has replied that they were testing out a new sound system and unaware of how loud the sound at the event actually was. Mr Panton has promised to make sure that the bikers leave the airfield site in a safe and secure manner at the next meeting. Once on the public highway, it is up to each individual biker.
Remembrance Day 9th November: Cllr Brandwood was unable to attend due to an emergency. Chairman advised all present of the poppy, fashioned by the same materials as Just Jane (the Lancaster bomber at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Museum) and reiterated that Cllr Brandwood has additional information which he will circulate.
Action: Cllr Brandwood to circulate to councillors.
Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.27 and invited the MoPs to stay, but without the possibility of participating in discussions.
Present and apologies: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Briggs, V Lingard, C Warman, Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)
Apologies tended and accepted: Cllr C Brandwood, District Cllr T Taylor and County Councillor W Gray
Declarations of interest: None – based on the published agenda.
Update from District Cllr T Taylor and County Councillor W Gray: Neither Councillor was present.
Approval of minutes from the Parish Council meeting from September 2024: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Acceptance of the minutes was proposed by Chairman and seconded by Cllr Briggs. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board. Minutes are available on the website.
Update from last month:
Anglian Water: Cllr Briggs nothing to report.
Civility and Respect Pledge: Chairman has bought a frame for the certificate, and we will hang it on the wall asap.
VE Day Commemoration: Chairman has spoken to Rev Fran.
Action: Clerk to carry forward to December meeting.
Roadworks: Cllr Warman reckons that the problem was caused by an emergency BT repair which had a 4-way light system on it.
There is also an issue about who owns the surface water drain by the pub. The issue is between Anglian Water and County Council.
Macmillan Coffee Morning Update: Cllr Brandwood had advised Clerk that the amount raised was £1,305.40, which is a phenomenal amount.
Planning applications: S/046/01447/24 Gooseberry Hill Cottage: Chairman asked if the councillors had any comments and or objections. It was unanimously agreed to support the application.
Action: Clerk to update the planning site.
Procedural and Financial matters: None.
Chairman thanked all those present for their attention and contribution and the meeting was closed at 19.50.
Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com
by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.
Findings will be recorded in the minutes.
Please visit our web-site via:
5th December
Meeting dates for the first quarter of 2025:
16th January; 20th February; 20th March
Dates are subject to change.
All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.