East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

19th May 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), V Lingard, D Brown, Mr R Fenwick (Highways Authority), Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: Cllr C Brandwood, County Cllr W Gray, District Cllr T Taylor


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting: Chairman welcomed all those present and started the public meeting at 19.10. Chairman introduced Mr Richard Fenwick (Head of Highways Asset and Local Management Services) who started with an introduction of Highways, the works and his role. Lincs County Council and Lincs Police are the 2 partners in the Lincs Road Safety Partnership.

Below is a very small summary the items mentioned (The full document is available via our website)

There are 8831 km/ 5488 miles of roads in Lincs;   Roads are classified into the following categories: Very Poor/Poor/Fair/Good/Very Good;   Balfour Beatty have the current contract for carrying out repairs and there are guarantees for “A First time Fix” but there are a few performance issues which are being monitored;   In  2021-22  we lost £12m in funding (Despite lobbying by all our local MPs) and the budget is set at £84.1M which has been topped up by approx. £10m by LCC;    Approx. 48,000 potholes are repaired annually (Roughly 8,000 potholes at any one time);    Speed limits are set nationally and based on data collated on a variety of issues;    The footpath by Park Lane is still in the plan for this financial year. The delay was caused by lack of “foot gangs” (The men who actually carry out the works) as many left LCC to take jobs as drivers during the pandemic;  


Throughout Mr Fenwick’s presentation there were many questions and lively discussion. Mr Fenwick suggested going thru Cllr Gray to request a Highways Officer to come out and do a walk round the village.    Mr Fenwick has prepared a document which he will share with the councillors and Clerk will add to the website. There are several links within the document to other useful and informative documents. 

The best piece of advice is: Use FixMyStreet to report any problems as it is used for the basis of most works carried out via Highways along with input from the local members (For East Kirkby it is Cllr William Gray).

Chairman thanked Mr Fenwick for his time and the quality of his information.


Community Speed-watch:

Chairman distributed a copy of a map he’d made with the existing signs and possible sites. Mr Fenwick suggested speaking to and getting information from Mr Steve Batchelor on road safety issues connected with additional speed signs.

Action: Clerk carry forward to July meeting.


Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.40 and thanked everyone for their input and advised that MoPs are welcome to stay and listen, but not participate.


Approval of minutes from May 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes from the May meeting and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Lingard proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Brown. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Updates from Cllrs Gray & Taylor: Clerk had circulated report(s) supplied to all the councillors.


Update from last month:

Village information board: Chairman has visited Sprint Signs in person, but has requested an up-to-date quote, which we are still awaiting.

Action: Chairman to follow up.


Queens Jubilee Parish Council grant: Clerk advised Councillors that we have been granted £834 for new benches. Council decided to carry forward for discussion in July.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to July meeting. 


Planning applications/Consultations:  Cllr Brandwood had advised Clerk that he supported the application. Councillors discussed the application and in principle the council SUPPORT this application.


Financial matters:

Clerk’s wages: Spanning April to June of £192.60, which was unanimously agreed.

Minute ref: 163/01


Chairman mentioned the audit which has been completed and submitted. Chairman mentioned that he is on holiday for part of Exercise of Public Rights to view the Council annual accounts and asked Cllr Lingard to stand-in for that period, which was agreed.


Other matters for discussion:

Neighbourhood planning policies: Cllr Brandwood has been investigating and will report back.

Action:  Cllr Brandwood to update Council. Clerk to bring forward to July meeting.


Chairman mentioned the information supplied by Cllr Taylor regarding the New Age Travellers in Hagnaby Lane. 



Chairman closed the meeting at 21.30.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 28th July 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2022 meetings:  8th September;  20th October;    1st December

(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.