East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

21st March 2024 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), V Lingard, C Brandwood, C Briggs, County Cllr W Gray, Ms L Hardy from Highways, Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: Cllr T Anderson, District Cllr T Taylor


Declarations of interest: None – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting: Chairman opened the public meeting at 19.05 and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Chairman confirmed that the public meeting is normally limited to 30 minutes.


One of the ladies walking the nursery children had mentioned to the landlord of The Red Lion Inn, Mr Warman that someone has seen been defecating in the field behind the windmill. Chairman asked for everyone to be vigilant and keep an eye out for the offender and report to the police via 111.


Ms Leila Hardy from LCC Highways has been on a walkabout, with Cllr Gray, to check on the state of the very poor footpath between East Kirkby and Revesby that was originally wrecked by the LCC contractor.

A full reconstruction of the footpath is now required, and it will be from the village to the Revesby estate (About £700k) and then possibly extending to Mareham Le Fen. The whole estimated cost of the footpath is approx. £1.5M. Highways have decided to bid for each section separately. It is estimated that the first section will be completed within the next 2 financial years. Highways are fairly certain that they will get the monies, specifically for the first section.

MoP asked if there was any chance of getting even a temporary top layer to make it safe. A parishioner recently tripped and twisted their ankle. Again, as per the last meeting the question remains: How many accidents will it take to make it safe?

Ms Hardy mentioned that there may be a possibility of putting something like planings, the residue from road resurfacing, compacting and consolidating them into the worst parts of the path as an interim measure. The village has instigated several walking groups and this path is an essential part of the route around the village.

Cllr Brandwood asked why the village doesn’t receive notification of the programme of roadworks and maintenance for the area, like we used to. Ms Hardy will investigate and try to get this started up again. 

The collapsed drains at the crossroad were again mentioned, with the chairman stating that ‘FixMyStreet’ records all work as having been completed, which is clearly not the case. Ms Hardy said that a survey gets carried out to ensure that the correct works are planned. This is now done, and appropriate work orders will be progressed. In the ensuing discussion Highways were asked if FixMyStreet could be updated to give people a different reply other than “Problem has been fixed”, perhaps a message saying, “Works investigated and on-going/planned”.

It was also mentioned that the lit “Give Way” sign has still not been repaired at the crossroad of the A155 and Fen Road.

Action: Ms Hardy will chase the possibility of a temporary surface on the footpath; The possibility of notification of future roadworks/maintenance; the message on FixMyStreet;   and the re-installation of the lit “Give Way” sign.


MoP asked if there was a possibility of getting a shelter for the school bus by the grit bin by Manor Close and Fen Road. This is not an official bus route/stop, but a school bus pick-up point.

Ms Hardy suggested that a Structures Agreement could be drawn up but that the shelter and associated works need to be funded by the Parish Council.

Action: Chairman and Clerk will discuss with the Business Team and get some idea of costs.


Chaiman thanked everyone for their participation, advised those wanting to stay that there would no longer be any public participation and closed the public meeting at 19.40.


Mr Warman mentioned that he would like to join the parish council. Clerk will mail the appropriate forms for filling in and Mr Warman will be signed in at the April meeting.


Approval of minutes from the February 2024 meeting: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Minutes were unanimously agreed. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from County Councillor W Gray:

Cllr Gray had sent a report earlier which Clerk had distributed to all councillors.

LCC have added extra funding into the pot to help with flooding etc. Section 19 for internal flooding has also been issued and a team has been set up. They anticipate that their initial findings will be done by August 2024.


SCAMs are on the up and there are information packs, from PCC, being issued. Chairman has obtained a number of packs and will hand out on Sunday 24th March at the coffee morning.


National Grid and the proposed pylons the deadline for the referendum has now passed. There has generally been a negative response to the proposal from the public, councils (District and County) and local politicians.


Measles vaccination: The infections are on the up and vaccinations are being encouraged for all ages.


Internal drainage board charges: Across the country there are only 6% of the population paying towards drainage boards. There is additional funding for it. ELDC have got extra monies. Cllr Brandwood asked where a MoP can register their concern and query the charges etc.

Action: Cllr Gray will chase this.  


Chairman thanked Cllr Gray and Ms Hardy for their input and they left the meeting at 19.55.


Update from last month:

Anglian Water: Nothing to report.


Village information board: Chairman advised that the new board was installed on 20th March 2024. The board is aluminium, covered by a version of plexiglass, and mounted on a steel cradle/support to make it as strong, and vandal proof, as possible.


D-Day tribute: 6th June is the date for the “Lighting the Light”. In the ensuing discussion it was suggested that the children of the village could put a battery tea-light in a jam jar and light them at 6pm, allowing time for them to light the candle and then get home in time for bedtime etc.

Action: Chairman will ring Rev Peter Coates.  

Action: Clerk to carry forward to the April meeting.


Update from Chairman:

Community get together: A few weeks ago, a meeting was instigated to look at additional events to be held in the village hall for the community. There is a coffee and cake meeting for Sunday 24th March 2024 for people to attend and fill in a questionnaire for events wanted/needed.

HEART (Home Energy Advice and Retrofit Team): A new set of dates have been announced and are on the notice board.

Flood investigations: As stated by Cllr Gray, Section 19 teams have been out and about in the area.

Police Commissioner election on 2nd May 2024.


Planning applications: None were received prior to the meeting. However, there is a Dismissal of Conditions relating to the recently granted application for the Red Lion Inn. Mr Warman, the landlord advised that the Licensing people came out last week and they are happy with the site. The deadline is 26th March 2024.  Chairman advised Mr Warman that the Dismissal of Conditions only mentions two static caravans rather than four.    


Financial matters:

None received.


Chairman reminded everyone that:

The Annual Parish meeting will take place on Thursday 18th April 2024 - starting at 18.00 at the village hall.


Chairman thanked all those present for their attention and contribution and the meeting was closed at 20.25.


Next Parish Council meeting date: 

Thursday 18th April 2024

Starting at 19.00.


Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.


Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2024 meetings:   16th May;   20th June;   18th July

Dates are subject to change.

All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.