East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

20th June 2024 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall



Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), V Lingard, C Brandwood, C Briggs, C Warman, District Cllr T Taylor, Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: County Cllr W Gray


Public meeting: Chairman opened the public meeting at 19.05.

Bus shelter: MoP – Hannah Jones together with Cllr Warman have visited the local businesses on the Lancaster Business Park to raise funds for the bus shelter. The businesses have pledged to raise the monies amongst themselves and arrange for the works to be done. Foundations and Buildings Ltd carry a Streetworks Licence, which it is hoped can be used for the proposed bus shelter. It will still be necessary to contact LCC Highways for permission to place a structure on the highway.

The choice of shelters is massive. The choices range from a Perspex & metal frame shelter up to a brick-built shelter. There are pros and cons for all options. Hannah mentioned that there was a collage to allow the council to choose which option is the best.

Hannah also mentioned that all properties fronting the road, where the proposed shelter is to be sited, had been spoken to and no one had any objections. Chairman re-iterated that, for the Parish Council to prove due diligence, all properties will be contacted with a formal letter by the Parish Council. It was also pointed out that residents should be given the opportunity to object to the project anonymously as well as provide input to the design, which they will be able to do after receiving their letter from the Clerk. Discussion ensued regarding the size of the shelter, and it was suggested that 3m x 2m internal is acceptable with a slight roof overhang. Chairman mentioned that the Manor Barn owners need to be contacted especially as the shelter needs to be right up against their boundary

Action: Clerk and Chairman to speak to Ms Leila Hardy, LCC, and get letters sent to residents.


Another MoPs mentioned the speed of some of the tractors that were going too fast, along with a teleporter travelling with the prongs down. Chairman encouraged everyone present to try and get the registration number of the vehicle(s) together with the place and time of the alleged speeding incident and contact the police.


Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.30.


Declarations of interest: Cllr Warman declared interest in the planning application section of the meeting. No one else had any declarations.


Approval of minutes from the Parish Council meeting from May 2024: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meetings. The minutes were unanimously agreed. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board. Minutes are available on the website.


Update from County Councillor W Gray and District Cllr T Taylor:

Cllr Gray had sent a report earlier which Clerk had distributed to all councillors.


Cllr Taylor has been sending updates to the village Facebook page along with updates via Clerk. There are a number of houses being built in ELDC to be rented out.


A question arose about the Acolaid case from Buildings and Foundations: ELDC Case officer claims that he is happy with the use of the caravans and does not believe that they are being lived in constantly. He is satisfied that they are only used for safety/security. Case officer also states that the gate is blocked on the road-side by concrete blocks and used for storage on the business park side. Case officer has advised Buildings and Foundations that the gates must not be used.

Chairman thanked Cllr Taylor who left the meeting at 19.50.


D-Day tribute: Chairman thanked everyone for making the event such a success.

Chairman will write to Mr Andrew Panton, Mr Paddy Donellan and Rev Peter Coates to thank them individually.  Cllr Brandwood re-iterated that it was a big success. He was particularly pleased with the tribute words from Rev Coates.

Chairman has asked Mr Panton if it would be possible to have a poppy for our Tommy silhouette made out of the “skin” from the Lancaster which has been refurbished. Chairman also proposed having a plaque made – Suggestions at next month’s meeting.

Cllr Lingard queried where the monies raised from the original round of funding for a second Tommy silhouette had ended up. It is believed that almost all the money needed for the second Tommy was raised, but at that particular time the Tommies were no longer in production. Chairman will contact Mr & Mrs Teague, the fundraisers, to advise them that the Tommies are back in production and available for purchase, but should they not wish to proceed that the monies raised must be given to the parish council so that another silhouette can be bought.

Action: Chairman to write to people mentioned above.


Update from last month:

Anglian Water: Nothing to report.


Planning applications: S046/00909/24 – Red Lion Inn. Cllr Warman was asked to leave.

The application is for the plans to show the decking to be erected around the caravans. Discussion ensued and the unanimous decision was to support this application.

Cllr Warman re-joined the meeting.


Financial matters/procedures:

Insurance certificate: has been renewed and added to frame.


Financial procedures: Chairman presented the finalised financial procedure to the councillors.


AGAR – Accounts: Chairman re-iterated that as we are a small council we can self-certify. Chairman took the councillors through the accounts. Chairman and RFO/Clerk signed the accounts off.

Minute ref: 20240620-1


The Annual Governance Statement was signed off.

Minute ref: 20240620-2


The Accounting Statement was signed off.

Minute ref: 20240620-3


Clerk’s wages: Clerk presented wages spanning April – June 2024. Chairman ascertained that councillors were happy to pay the wages and signed the sheet off.

Minute ref: 20240620-4


Chairman thanked all those present for their attention and contribution and the meeting was closed at 21.10.


Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Findings will be recorded in the minutes.


Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2024 meetings:   18th July;   9th September;  17th October;   and 5th December

Dates are subject to change.

September, November/December meeting dates are NOT the third Thursday of the month but moved around to accommodate summer and Christmas holidays.


All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.