June 2023 Published minutes

East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

15th June 2023 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, C Briggs, Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: County Cllr W Gray and District Cllr T Taylor


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting: Chairman opened the meeting at 19.00 and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


MoP raised the overgrown footpath by east Kirkby and Hagnaby corner. Chairman will raise with Cllr Gray. Up by the Hideaway.


MoP also raised the speed at which people drive through the village and mentioned that they had had to jump into the vegetation by the side of the road many times. It was suggested that another Archer survey be carried. Chairman suggested getting Cllr Gray involved as well as Road Safety Partnership.

Action: Clerk to action


Chairman thanked everyone present for their input and participation and closed the public meeting at 19.10. All MoPs left the meeting at this point.


Approval of minutes from the May 2023 meeting: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Minutes were unanimously agreed. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from last month:

Anglian Water: No smells to report.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to next meeting.


Village information board: Chairman has sent the final draft to Burgess. Cllr Brandwood suggested erecting the Tommy silhouette in connection with the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings, which is in 2024 – This was unanimously agreed. Chairman will alter the words to reflect the proposed date in 2024.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to next meeting.


Updates from County and District Councillors: Neither were present. Cllr Gray’s report had been circulated by Clerk.


Register of Pecuniary Interest: Chairman mentioned that all Register of Pecuniary Interests had to be registered by 6th June 2023, which we as a council complied with. However, ELDC have still not updated the council website.

Action: Chairman and Clerk to write to Cllr Gray


Possible Planning infringements: Chairman handed out paperwork to all present with photographs of caravans parked on the Red Lion Inn lands, taken by Chairman earlier on 15th June 2023.

Mr Warman approached the Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Brian Nowicki, at approx. 11.00 on Thursday 15th June 2023, to enquire why Chairman had been on the caravan site taking photographs. Chairman explained to Mr. Warman that the Parish Council had received information that the site was overpopulated, and that he had been on site to gain evidence for the Parish Council to discuss at their next meeting.

Chairman drew Mr Warman’s attention to the requirements of the Full Planning Permission document and the possible noncompliance of Mr Warman to the conditions set out in the document.

Mr Warman stated that he had no knowledge of the document, had not read it, and was not aware that he was not complying with its requirements. Chairman located the document on Mr Warman’s smartphone and advised him to study the document and seek advice as to how he should proceed next.

Chairman advised Mr Warman that the Parish Council would be discussing the situation at the next PC Meeting and that the likely outcome would be that the PC contacts ELDC.

This item was subsequently fully discussed, and the PC unanimously agreed to forward details to ELDC.


The second possible infringement pertains to Foundations and Buildings. The “temporary gate” has been made more permanent and there are at least 3 caravans with people appearing to be living in them permanently.  Caravans have been connected to mains power.

Following a full discussion, the PC unanimously agreed to forward details to ELDC.


The third possible infringement is Bridge Meadows which was seen with a huge marquee and many caravans/camper vans. If you look on Google, it comes up as an ”events venue”. Cllr Brandwood raised the point that they may be able to have 4 events without having planning application.

Again, following a full discussion, the PC unanimously agreed to forward details to ELDC.

Action: Clerk to advise ELDC Enforcement on all three possible infringements.


The Hideaway was also mentioned as there have been concerns raised by parishioners regarding the number of caravans on the Hideaway site. Cllr Briggs will be enquiring as to whether The Hideaway is licensed.

Action: Cllr Briggs to report back at the July meeting.


Planning applications received: None received.


Adoption of revised employment contract and associated policies:

Chairman had sent the documents out to all councillors ahead of time so that they might familiarise themselves with the content and be ready to discuss at the meeting. Papers were discussed and there were two minor changes to be done. After which, the Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the revised employment contract and associated policies.

Minute ref: 191/01


Financial matters:

Annual accounts: Chairman took the councillors through the figures, advising that our external auditor has verified and approved the accounts.

Certificate of Exemption – AGAR: Minute ref: 192/01

Annual Governance Statement: Minute ref: 192/02

Accounting statements: Minute ref: 192/03


Invoices received: Chairman advised the councillors of Clerk’s wages and costs. Although the BHIB insurance cheque was signed off last month, an error had been made on the amount and the cheque was rejected. Clerk paid the annual insurance via her own bank. So, the insurance premium of £223.44 had been added to the invoice presented by the Clerk at the meeting. Invoice was unanimously agreed by all councillors. Cheque 100635 was issued.

Minute ref: 192/04


Police monthly community surgery – Will be on SATURDAY 1ST JULY, STARTING AT 13:00.


Chairman thanked all for their attention and contribution and closed the meeting at 21.30.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 27th July 2023 - starting at 19.00.

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2023 meetings:   21st September;   19th October;   30th November


Dates are subject to change.

All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.