East Kirkby Parish Council Extra-Ordinary meeting

30th June 2021 - Starting 19.00 via Teams



Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, C Roe, D Brown (Via telephone), JH Mussett (Clerk)


The purpose of the extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 30th June was to discuss Planning Application S/046/01203/21 – Lancaster Business Park.

Chairman ensured that all councillors had been onto the ELDC Planning portal and seen the application and its relevant documentation, and that they had seen the document he had sent to all with a few comments to start the discussion off.


East Kirkby Parish Council wishes to object to the application, under ‘Relevant Planning Consideration’ i.e., ‘Relevant previous planning history’, in that the Lancaster Business Park is designated for development under the classification of B2 and B8 of ‘Use Classes Regulations 2020’ only. In the ensuing discussion, it became clear that all the Councillors were in favour of objecting to this application.


East Kirkby Parish Council also cites the following as grounds for objecting to this application:

  1. There are sufficient facilities within the existing warehouse to support a number of operatives occupying the building on a shift basis, overnight, to provide total security to the site.
  2. The provision of two, three-bedroomed, house to provide ‘security’ is considered overkill.
  3. Similarly, the provision of two two-car garages, with the dwellings, when there is adequate parking adjacent to the warehouse is deemed overkill, especially if the houses are solely for ‘security personnel’ to patrol the site.
  4. It seems that, with what appears to be a gate between the development and the industrial estate (sited to the north of the warehouse), together with a separate entrance onto the A155, (shown in dotted lines on the plan), that the intention of the developer is to isolate the proposed development from the industrial estate in the future.
  5. It is the Parish Council’s opinion that this is an attempt to develop two dwellings, outside of the immediate village, and is a prime example of ‘creeping urban sprawl’.
  6. The Parish Council firmly believes that this is a blatant attempt to develop an area of land, ostensibly as ‘security’ facilities initially, but with the ultimate objective of selling off the properties in the future.
  7. The Parish Council also believes that this could be an attempt to further develop this area with additional dwellings being built in the future – Again, adding to the creeping urban sprawl.
  8. Since Fabrication Building Ltd moved onto the site, they have enhanced the existing on-site security with fencing, gates etc, making security much less of an issue.


The Parish Council voted unanimously to object to this application. Chairman thanked everyone for taking the time to discuss the application and for their input. The meeting closed at 20.00.

Next meeting date: Thursday 15th July 2021 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

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