East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

27th July 2023 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Briggs, V Lingard, County Cllr W Gray, District Cllr T Taylor, Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: Cllr C Brandwood


Declarations of interest: Cllr Lingard declared interest in the upcoming Public Meeting item relating to the church.


Public meeting: Chairman opened the Public Meeting at 19.10.

MoP asked about the works for the footpath to Revesby which is vastly overgrown, which high vegetation and tree branches hanging down. The state of the footpath forces people into the road, which is very dangerous with fast traffic. Cllr Lingard advised that the trees are owned by either Revesby Estate or Hawkes. Chairman and Clerk to write to both to ask them to cut the trees back.

Cllr Gray will check into the timeline for the re-instatement of the footpath.

Action: Chairman/Clerk to write to Hawkes and Revesby Estate


Ms DeeAnn Lingard (Chairman of East Kirkby Parochial church Committee) advised that a part of the roofing felt has had to be replaced as there is water coming into the church. There has been an envelope drop throughout the village and businesses, asking for donations and this has raised approximately £400 so far; coffee mornings and bingo monies for the next couple of months are going towards the roof fund and the amount of monies raised so far is approx.  £900.00. Ms Lingard asked the Parish Council for a donation towards the repairs as they are currently unable to pay the workman. Chairman suggested that the Parish Council would make a donation of £500.00 Cllr Briggs seconded the motion and unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote. MoP also offered a donation of £200.00. Chairman gave a donation to Ms Lingard on behalf of himself and Mrs Nowicki.


MoP mentioned that the fire hydrant post by 2 Fen Road has been knocked down and is lying on the ground. MoP has raised the hydrant post up, but if there was an emergency no-one would be able to find the hydrant.

Action: Cllr Gray to report.


Chairman closed the Public Meeting at 19.35.


Approval of minutes from the June 2023 meeting: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Minutes were unanimously agreed. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Updates from District and Country Councillors:

Cllr Gray: Summer holidays are here and there are many events happening in the county;  Spate of fires at the recycling centres caused by built-in batteries in toys; Sun and pollen levels are high and advice is available via the LCC website;  Good Citizens Award.

Cllr Lingard advised that there are 2 potholes in Chapel Lane. Cllr Gray mentioned that he has reported these potholes before and they should have been filled in. Cllr Gray looked at FixMyStreet and there are no reports there about holes having been filled in.

Action: Cllr Gray to report.


Chairman asked about whether it would be possible to have another Archer Survey on the A155, specifically in the 40 MPH. The need for less speed has increased as there are more pedestrians crossing the road, using the village shop.

Action: Cllr Gray to report.


Chairman asked if Cllr Gray had heard anything from ELDC/LCC regarding the notice of “Published and printed by ELDC/LCC/etc”, as this is still causing concern because it is clearly does not reflect what is actually happening.

Action: Cllr Taylor will inquire. Clerk will also raise this through LALC.


Register of Pecuniary Interest – Chairman advised that this has still not been updated on the ELDC website and is showing the 2019 data. Cllr Gray advised that this own parish information has been updated as had that of Cllr Taylor.

Action: Chairman asked Cllr Taylor to investigate.


Cllr Taylor advised that there are number of announcements in the ether and Chairman asked Cllr Taylor to send to Clerk for distribution. Devolution discussions have taken place and are on-going.

Action: Cllr Taylor to forward to Clerk.


Cllrs Gray and Taylor left the meeting at 20.15.


Update from last month:

Anglian Water: Cllr Briggs reported that odours have been noticed on 4 occasions in June/July. Chairman advised that Cllr Briggs needs to report the odours as and when they happen, with dates and times and weather conditions. Cllr Briggs will report and also ask if the man-hole is meant to be air-tight as it isn’t.

Action: Cllr Briggs to report to Anglian Water.


Village information board: Chairman mentioned that we discussed adding the “Tommy Silhouette” information to the information board and Chairman proposed instead that we have a dedicated plaque for the “Tommy” once it is installed. Unanimously agreed.


Possible Planning Infringements:

Discussion ensued about the 3 possible planning infringements (Red Lion Inn; Foundations and Buildings; Bridge Farm) that have been reported to and acknowledged by ELDC Enforcement and Planning. Cllr Taylor has seen the cases and we await reports from the officers who have visited.


Cllr Briggs has researched the Hideaway caravan site licensing regime and reported the following information that he had gathered: The East Kirkby Hideaway is what is known as a certificated site of the Caravan and Camping Club (CCC). The Hideaway holds an "Exemption Certificate" which means that the site is not subject to normal planning considerations as long as they follow the rules laid down by the CCC. These rules have been agreed nationally with all local authorities and, in order for the Hideaway to have this certificate, it must follow the rules. To not do so could result in not only the site losing its certificate but could ultimately put the licence of the Caravan and Camping Club potentially in jeopardy.


The normal rules of these sites are as follows:-

  • A maximum of 5 touring caravans is allowed on the site at any one time for a maximum stay of up to 28 days.
  • No unoccupied vans to be allowed to remain on site i.e. no storage of vans.
  • Up to 10 tents or trailer tents are allowed on site also at any one time, also for up to a maximum of 28 days.
  • If there is also a rally field adjacent to the site up to a maximum of 4 "events" in any year.


However, as this site enjoys "Grandfathers Rights" due to its long term existence, there are permitted allowable variations of the rules which the CCC, the Site Owner and the Parish Council are aware of. CCC has indicated a belief that the Site Owner will comply with these requirements.


Planning applications: S/046/01360/23 – Woods Farm.

The proposed greenhouse is placed behind the house and not visible. Council unanimously agreed to SUPPORT the application.

Action: Clerk to update website


Re-election of the Gregory Croft Trust (GCT) representative: GCT AGM was held in July and Sue Carter was proposed for re-election, which the Parish Council unanimously supported.


Training update: Deferred to the September meeting. Chairman to scan papers and Clerk to send out to councillors prior to the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to carry forward and send papers to all prior to next meeting.


Financial matters:

Annual review of the Internal Financial Control: The reviews was carried out and unanimously agreed to be adopted. Next review will be in July 2024.

Action: Clerk to upload to parish website


Invoices received: DM Payroll services and Clerk’s wages (Which included the £48.50 charge from ELDC relating to the uncontested May 2023 election). Both invoices were unanimously agreed.

Minute ref: 195/01

As a quick update to the Council, Clerk advised that private house insurance covers working from home so there would be no charge to EKPC.


Clerk has also been in touch with Able Care Services, who have supplied stickers for people to add to their doors to deter ‘cold ‘callers. These stickers will be available in the village hall.


Chairman thanked all for their attention and contribution and closed the meeting at 20.50.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 21st September 2023 - starting at 19.00.

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2023 meetings:   19th October;   30th November

Dates are subject to change.

All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.