East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

19th January 2023 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Briggs, V Lingard, D Brown, County Cllr W Gray (left at 19.40), District Cllr T Taylor (Arrived at 19.55), Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tendered and accepted: Cllr C Brandwood


Declarations of interest based on the published agenda: None declared.


Public meeting:  Chairman welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 19.05.  

Dog mess bin:  MoPs expressed delight with the new dog mess bin and were delighted with the speed at which it had been installed. Clerk advised that she had thanked Mr Tom Winning of ELDC Neighbourhood Services for his speed and diligence.


State of the footpath: MoP mentioned the poor state of many of the footpaths. Chairman advised that this has been raised at the meeting in October with Highways and is on the list for resurfacing in 2023/2024 financial plan for County Council.  Chairman asked MoP to add to Fix My Street and Chairman will also add.


Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.20 and thanked everybody present for their input.


Approval of minutes from December 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes and that the minutes were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Briggs suggested approval of the minutes, seconded by Chairman. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from Cllr Gray: Clerk had distributed Cllr Gray’s report to all councillors earlier. In brief the report contained: Cllr Hill announcement;    Achievements in 2022;    Budget time is approaching and there are links for councillors to go and comment; New year’s resolution time and suggestions; Veterinary personnel survey;   Maths skills are very much in focus (Scheme called Multiply);     Keeping warm information; Collection museum in Lincoln and new exhibits;   Tunby(?) area is having a lot of roadworks done due to lots of water on the surface;   Children’s Centres with lots of activities and support;    Good Citizen’s Award is open for nominations;     It was suggested that the “Connect to Support” service and link to be added to the website.

Cllr Gray left the meeting at 19.40


Update from Cllr Taylor: Cllr Taylor sends regular updates which Clerk distributes.

“Levelling up funds” was announced today and Spilsby is receiving money for the Sessions House to include a cinema, theatre, etc.;    District Council Pride in East Lindsey Team has been formed whose function is to help raise the appearance of our towns and villages, and tackle some of the more difficult cleansing tasks;    ELDC, Boston Borough Council & SHDC have awarded a contract to KINGDOM with powers to carry out environmental crime enforcements work such as littering, fly-tipping, dog fouling – With the power to enforce offences.

Clerk thanked Cllr Taylor for his help with the new dog mess bin.


Update from last month:

Anglian Water: No news. Monitoring is still in progress.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to February.


Village board/Coronation Oak:  Chairman has chased the quote from Burgess Print. The quote is around £1200 – At this point, chairman decided to bring forward the Medium Term Financial Plan discussion.  Chairman quickly took everyone through the figures and proposed projects.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to February.


Dog mess bin:  Covered in Public meeting.


Website and updates: Chairman re-iterated the large amount of time spent on the web-site and encouraged all to have a look and possibly make suggestions as to additional content.


Financial matters:

MFTP: Covered in the Village Board section.


Precept: Has been completed and sent off to PSPS, ELDC’s Finance Business Partner Team.


Invoices received: LALC subscription. Clerk advised that payment does not need to be paid till April 2023. Councillors unanimously agreed to pay this.

Minute ref: 178/01


Barclays Bank: Chairman advised that Barclays Bank have sent another letter asking for information. Chairman and Clerk have responded and it turned out to be part of an automated process and Barclays Bank have confirmed that no further information is required.


Planning applications/Consultations:  None received. The application for Cobbler’s Corner was lodged 01/12/2022 and was covered at the secondary meeting on 8th December 2023.

Cllr Taylor asked if there had been any come-back on the new entrance to the airfield by Foundations and Buildings.  Councillors advised that the entrance is being used. There is some concern over the amount of greenery that has been removed, but overall the area looks tidy. Chairman asked if Cllr Taylor could try to check the requirements for reinstating the greenery when the project is finished.


Other matters for discussion:

Several people have mentioned to Councillors the danger associated with the straw, stored on the airfield, being moved through the village. Not only is it dangerous for people following the straw, but it is also leaving a lot of straw in the village.

Action: Chairman to contact Mr Shooter at AE Lenton to ascertain who is moving the straw.


Clerk had sent the weekly LALC newsletter out to the Councillors and had highlighted the section on “Annual Parish Meeting (APM) vs Annual Parish Council (APC) meeting”.  It was agreed that the APM should be announced on the parish council website and possibly incorporated into the APC. Chairman and Clerk to discuss and make recommendations.

Action: Chairman/Clerk to liaise.


Chairman advised that all voters need to have photo ID to vote in the May elections. Posters will be put up on the notice board and in the village hall in April 2023.

Action: Chairman & Cllr Lingard.


Chairman thanked everyone present for their contribution and diligence and closed the meeting at 20.35.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 16th February 2023 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2023 meetings: 16th March;   20th April;    18th May;    15th June


(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.