East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting
15th February 2024 19.00 start
East Kirkby Village Hall
Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), V Lingard, C Brandwood, T Anderson, C Briggs, County Cllr W Gray, District Cllr T Taylor, Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)
Apologies tended and accepted: None
Declarations of interest: None – based on the published agenda.
Public meeting: Chairman opened the public meeting at 19.00 and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Chairman confirmed that the public meeting is normally limited to 30 minutes.
MoP raised the issue of the footpath to Revesby. This is a historic issue, raised several years ago by EKPC. The footpath to Revesby is beyond repair (following an attempt by LCC to ‘scour’ the surface, but rendering the path un-useable) and it now needs a completely new path. Cllr Gray advised that it is unlikely to happen at the moment. Our local Head of Highways has to apply for additional funding (along with many other Head of Highway operations) as the cost of this footpath is estimated at £500,000. Chairman re-iterated that this footpath has been an on-going issue for many years and that EKPC has been putting pressure on both County Cllr and Highways. Cllr Gray advised that highways problems outside private dwellings and near schools will always be given a higher priority than a country footpath. MoP asked how many accidents it will take for someone in LCC to react and get the footpath sorted out. MoP voiced that if serious injuries were needed, then… This was vociferously discouraged by all councillors present.
MoP mentioned that there have been many problems that have been escalating and occurring in and around the village – Mainly flooding, collapsed drains and overgrown footpaths. MoP said that as a child he was able to ride his bicycle all over the village on the footpaths. Cllr Gray advised MoP to write to his MP as well as keeping pressure on via FixMyStreet. Cllr Gray advised that Highways have to carry out investigative works prior to carrying out any works to ensure that the right work is carried out. This is why you will often see Highways out and about, appearing to be doing ‘nothing’. Cllr Gray asked Chairman to send him the exact location information, specifically the site of the flooding close to the village shop. (Cllr Gray and Chairman sorted this out at the meeting)
Another footpath is the one by Cobblers Corner, which is affected by overhanging vegetation and a poor surface. The footpath is very narrow (there is not room enough for mothers with a pushchair and toddler on a bike). Cllr Gray advised that there is additional work planned on this footpath.
Another MoP mentioned that there are quite a few young children in the village and asked if a children’s playground could be provided. Chairman explained that a ‘Millenium Fund’ was set up in the late 1990’s to address the need for a children’s playground. Chairman advised that at the time, a local benefactor promised a parcel of land, which, when the playground failed to come to fruition was then withdrawn and is no longer available. However, the monies raised came to approximately £3,000 which, today, will not even cover the insurance so it was then decided to organise a village millennium party which garnered no support in the village, and it was, eventually decided, to donate the monies from the Millennium Fund to the village hall.
Cllr Taylor advised the MoPs that to get funding from the District Council they must set up a committee, get a proper constitution (Basic examples can be found on ELDC website), start fund raising, set-up banking facilities as a minimum. Then to contact the district council where there are officers available to provide additional advice and help. Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council will support the endeavour and would be pleased to provide the “banking services” for the group.
D-Day/Battle for Normandy remembrance – June 2024: Ms Leek was not present and item to be carried to next month although there does not appear to be anything planned in East Kirkby.
Chaiman thanked everyone for their participation, advised those wanting to stay that there would no longer be any public participation and closed the public meeting at 19.48.
Approval of minutes from the January 2024 meeting: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Minutes were unanimously agreed. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.
Update from District Councillor Terry Taylor:
Cllr Taylor has circulated various updates and reports to the Clerk, which have been distributed to the councillors.
Chairman advised that Cllr Taylor has a small amount of money to split between his 7 parishes and encouraged the “Children’s Playground Group” to get themselves organised and then apply. Clerk to send funding form etc to Cllr Brandwood.
Update from County Councillor W Gray:
“HeyLincolnshire.co.uk is well worth a look; Bus fares for a single journey are still capped at £2 including CallConnect; National Grid proposal of massive 50m pylons is on-going; Louth town centre has a lots of events happening there as well as roadworks; Measles is on the rise and everyone is being encouraged to have their vaccination; Live at Lincoln Castle programme is now available;
Electrical vehicle charger locations are being sought. CC are asking for proposed sites.
Cllr Brandwood mentioned the Internal Drainage Boards who are being given additional support. The IDBs are being underfunded and various organisations are lobbying for additional funding.
Cllr Lingard mentioned that a pot hole by the cross roads of the A153 and Hagnaby Lane was filled in about 14 days ago and the topping has already come out. Sadly, all repair efforts by Highways are being hampered by the weather and is affecting the results.
Update from last month:
Anglian Water: Nothing to report.
Village information board: Chairman advised that the new board has been finished and it is expected that the board will arrive and be installed in week commencing 19th February 2024.
Planning applications: None received prior to the meeting.
Financial matters:
LALC annual charges: Invoices have been received and it was agreed that Clerk can pay the invoices when they are due in April.
Minute Ref: 208/01
Clerk’s wages: Clerk presented wages and expenses spanning December 2023 to February 2024. Cheque nr. 100644
Minute Ref: 208/02
Grass cutting: Clerk advised that an invoice from Mr Chatterton for £35.00 was received and it was agreed to pay this invoice. Cheque nr. 100645
Minute Ref: 208/03
All the invoices were unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.
Chairman thanked all for their attention and contribution and closed the meeting was closed at 20.25.
Next meeting date: Thursday 21st March 2024 - starting at 19.00.
Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com
by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.
Please visit our web-site via:
Dates for 2024 meetings: 18th April; 16th May; 20th May; 20th June
Dates are subject to change.
All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.