East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

17th February 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, County Cllr W Gray, Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: Cllr D Brown


Public meeting:

Speedwatch: Chairman welcomed everyone and started the public meeting with Speedwatch. Chairman outlined the Speedwatch programme and advised MoP of what it entails. He advised all those present to look up the information via Speedwatch website.

A question was raised regarding any other avenues available in terms of signs etc. Chairman advised that a full system with signs etc is in the area of £2500. MoP mentioned that East Keal have a speed watch system. Chairman advised that parishioners can request signs to put on their bins from Lincs Road Safety Partnership and that all signs displayed must be the appropriate and legal ones. Chairman stressed that the programme must be driven by the parishioners, not the parish councillors although the Parish Council will support in any way it can.

Chairman advised that an Archer speed survey was carried out a few years ago and the statistics produced showed that the average speed was well above the speed limit but the Highways authorities were unwilling to pursue at the time.

MoP asked if we could ‘skip to the next bit’ as we already know that there are many people speeding through the village and if we could get the speed limits reduced. Cllr Gray interjected that he knows many villages where they have been very successful in reducing speeds, but that they have all started via Speedwatch and the local people. Ms Helen Leek of The Elms, Fenside volunteered to investigate and carry this forward. 


Action: Chairman will speak to chairperson at both East and West Keal regarding their successful campaigns.

Action: Clerk to investigate the purchase of wheelie bin stickers on behalf of the Parish Council.


Jubilee celebration:

Chairman then moved onto talking about the Queens’ Jubilee celebrations. MoP mentioned that it has been suggested via Facebook that there be a street party on Fen Road, on Sunday 5th June. Investigation has shown that councils are being positive towards road closures. 

Cllr Gray mentioned that ELDC website has just gone live with lots of information helping people who want to carry out celebrations.

Ms Lesley Brown volunteered to take on the street party committee and it was suggested that she liaise with Chris (the landlord at the Red Lion) who is happy to offer his field for a ‘street party’. Chris has offered to do a gazebo with drinks and BBQ. Chris has also suggested borrowing the search light from the Panton’s at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre in lieu of a beacon. Chris is happy to have music at the event (Especially live music) and has asked that people come and talk to him at the pub with suggestions. 


Parish Councillors needed: Chairman advised all present that we are looking for people to join us as parish councillors.

Chairman closed the meeting at 19.55 and thanked everybody present for their input.


Approval of minutes from January 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Brandwood suggested approval, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from Cllr Gray:

Budget at LCC being set; The Big Planet exhibition is coming to Lincs March 5; Apprenticeships are a big focus, nutritious school meals;

Highways matter: footpath from Park Lane which was damaged. This work has still not taken place, but Cllr Gray has been assured that it is in the programme and the budget for this financial year. Main reason for the works not having been done is lack of man power.   Balfour Beatty are the contractors for LCC Highways.

Wheelie bins: a black and purple wheelie for paper and cardboard is coming in September and this means that glass can then be put in the recycling bin. Households will also be receiving a food bin shortly.


Update from last month:

Village information board: Quote from Sprint received. Chairman is still awaiting another quote. Action:  Clerk to carry forward.


Balfour Beatty/Viking Link/Litter Pick to be scheduled.

Action: Chairman to ask BB for litter pick in late May.



Cllr Gray mentioned that a report has arrived mentioning lots of potholes that have been done in the village. Cllr Brandwood mentioned he’d heard a programme on the radio about a new machine which can do potholes at a phenomenal speed. Cllr Gray mentioned that LCC are in fact using this machine despite its enormous price. Cllr Lingard mentioned that the Prime Minister had been on Radio Lincs earlier in the day and was asked about the £12M that was taken from LCC/Highways and promised that he will look into re-imbursing the £12M that was taken from LCC.


Financial matters:

Invoices received: LALC subscription and Training scheme totalling £186.85. Cheque No. 100622.

Minute ref: 152/01


Clerk’s wages totalling £86.60. This amount has been added to the previous month’s amount on cheque No. 100621 – Totalling £260.80 + £86.80 = £347.60

Minute ref: 152/02

All invoices were unanimously agreed. Chairman asked Cllrs Brandwood and Lingard to become signatories on the bank account.



Planning applications/Consultations:

A155 speed limit extension - SUPPORT

Lancaster Business Park: Clerk was asked to write to Ian Carrington. The land has been cleared, but so far there has been no further activity.

Action: Clerk to contact Mr Carrington.


This led to a discussion regarding when to erect the Tommy Silhouette. It was suggested that the Silhouette be mounted on 19th October or as close to as possible as this was the date when the War Memorial was commissioned in 1919.



Other matters for discussion:

Cllr Brandwood is awaiting a quote for CCTV for the village hall.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to March 2022.


Chairman ascertained that all councillors had seen the mail from Clerk regarding our prospective District Councillor, Mr Terry Taylor at the election on 3rd March.


Chairman closed the meeting at 20.45.




Next meeting date:  Thursday 17th March 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2022 meetings:    21st April;    19th May;   16th June;   28th July*

(Dates are subject to change*)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.