






Adapted and Modified Specifically for East Kirkby Parish Council by Mrs. J Mussett (Parish Clerk)


Mr. B Nowicki (Chairman of the Parish Council)

October 2024








The Parish Council has a duty to have regard for equal treatment of all in everything that it does – Equality Act 2010, Section 149.




East Kirkby Parish Council aims to ensure that no job applicant or worker receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, gender orientation, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, age, gender, gender reassignment or marital status, sexual orientation or disability.  Selection criteria and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure that individuals are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities.  All workers will be given equal opportunity and access to training to enable them to progress both within and outside the organisation.  The Parish Council is committed to a programme of action to make this policy effective and will bring it to the attention of employees.




In order to meet these aims East Kirkby Parish Council will undertake the following:


  1. Employment


  • All workers and job applicants will be treated equally.  There will be no discrimination on these grounds in the terms and conditions offered to workers or job applicants.


  • All individuals will be selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits, skills and abilities.  This principle will apply to recruitment, promotion, training and development.


  • A standard application form will be used, and short listing/interviewing will be conducted objectively by at least two people using the same criteria.


  • The selection process will be reviewed from time to time to ensure that the process is based upon skills, knowledge and abilities which are appropriate to the particular job.


  • An appropriate procedure will be put in place to deal with discipline and grievances, and this will be reviewed regularly.


2.   Training and Development


  • Training opportunities will be made on a non-discriminatory basis.


  • Annual appraisals of all staff will be undertaken together with a survey of skills interests and experience.


  • A commitment to training and development will be incorporated into the annual budget and work planning.



3.   Service Delivery


  • East Kirkby Parish Council will strive to ensure that the services it offers are accessible and follow equal opportunities principles.


  • East Kirkby Parish Council will review publications and written information, including its website, to reflect its commitment to equal opportunities and diversity.


  • Reports and written material will be monitored and made available in other formats where possible (eg. Large print on request).


4.   Monitoring


  • Monitoring will be central to this policy both in recruitment of staff and delivery of services.


  • Appropriate records will be kept, and reports will be made to the Parish Council.



5.   Positive Action


  • Should inequalities become apparent, positive action may be taken, in the best interests of the organisation, to redress the imbalance, wherever possible.


  • Staff who feel that they have been discriminated against may use the Parish Council’s grievance procedure.


  • All other users and stakeholders may use the Parish Council’s complaints procedure if they feel that they have been discriminated against.