East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

20th October 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, D Brown, County Cllr W Gray, District Cllr T Taylor (Left the meeting at 20.40), Members of the public (MoP incl. the landlord of the Red Lion, Mr. Warman), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tendered and accepted: None


Declarations of interest based on the published agenda: None declared.


Public meeting:  Chairman welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 19.05.  Chairman invited Mr. Warman to apprise all present of the works being carried out on the corner shop, Fourways. Mr. Warman advised the parish council that advice had been sought from the Planning Office prior to works commencing. Nothing external or internal will change and the upstairs of the property will be repurposed as a holiday let. Planning Office have advised that no planning application was needed as the holiday let, as a commercial enterprise, was part of the whole commercial property.  The only thing required is a cigarette license and an alcohol license for the shop.  Chairman thanked Mr. Warman for coming to the council meeting and commended him for having taken the right steps. Chairman and all the councillors wished Mr Warman all the best with his endeavours.


Anglian Water (AW): MoP has been in contact with AW again regarding the smell and was promised that an engineer would come out and the engineer did come out, but on a day when there was a gale blowing and hence no discernible smell. The engineer checked and advised that there was corrosion in and methane gas coming from the man-holes outside. He then went to East Keal to check the station there. During the ensuing discussion it became clear that all present were unhappy with the present situation and lack of progress from AW.

Chairman suggested resurrecting the ‘smell complaint project’ and escalating this through the environmental department at ELDC. This “smell complaint project” has been undertaken by several villagers several times over the last 10+ years and involves recording date, time, wind directions etc. Chairman asked Cllr Taylor to also get involved as this must now be escalated to Environmental Protection Agency.

Action: Chairman/villagers/Cllr Taylor


Dog poo bins: MoP raised the matter of the dog poo bins again. There are 2 bins in the village at the village hall end, but nothing at the other end of the village.  

Action: Cllr Taylor will chase the dog warden again.


Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.35 and thanked everybody present for their input.


Approval of minutes from September 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Brandwood suggested approval of the minutes, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from Cllr Gray: Clerk had distributed Cllr Gray’s report to all councillors earlier in the week. Cllr Gray just highlighted the half-term event at Museum of Life at Lincoln with a Halloween bias; Artisan market 1st week in November; Good Citizen Award nominations are now open;

Cllr Brandwood asked for more information on the Licensing scheme for holiday lets, with particular emphasis on static caravans. Cllr Taylor is on the Scrutiny Committee. There is an issue with people staying in their static caravans permanently whereas they should be leaving their caravans for a minimum of 2 months per year otherwise it becomes a residential site. Scrutiny Committee is looking at the loss of council tax from people living there permanently rather than in a “bricks and mortar” building.


Update from Cllr Taylor: Cllr Taylor sends regular updates which are distributed by the Clerk. Cllr Taylor just wanted to mention: The Armed Forces Covenant meeting took place and all present were asked to make people aware of this covenant. It is to emphasise the value of the works done by these volunteers and to thank them for these works;     Greater Lincoln Enterprise partnership which is a talking-place for businesses in Lincs with representatives from ELDC and LCC.


Cllr Taylor has been contacted by a Mr Joyce from Buildings and Foundations regarding a planning application although Cllr Taylor was unable to comment as to which application Mr Joyce was talking about, as this information had not been provided by Mr Joyce. Chairman apprised Cllr Taylor of the planning application from last year regarding the erection of 2 x 3-bedroom houses for security personnel. Cllr Taylor mentioned that Mr Joyce advised him that “a” planning application has been withdrawn.  This led onto further discussion and Cllr Taylor was asked to take up the question regarding the ”temporary exit onto the A155” from the Lancaster Business Park. All present agreed that this exit did not seem temporary as trees and bushes have been cleared and a compacted hardcore entrance had been aid all the way to the carriageway. Chairman has previously advised Planning Enforcement about this entrance as he regarded it is a major hazard onto the A155 but was advised, by enforcement, that this was “fine as it was only a temporary exit”.

Action: Chairman and Cllr Taylor to liaise and follow-up.


Update from last month:

Village information board: Due to the total inaction from Sprint, Chairman decided to request a new quote from Burgess Print, Retford.  Cllr Lingard’s suggested company was unable to assist.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to December meeting.


AE Lentons: Issue was piles of rubbish on the highway which has been cleared away. The rubbish not on the highway is still there.  Chairman will write AE Lenton.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to December meeting.


Queen’s Jubilee grant: Chairman advised Council that the benches have installed and the commemorative plaques have been affixed. Cllr Brandwood would like to make a contribution to the village hall to allow him to take the 2 old benches and refurbish them for use at Woodbine Cottage. 

Action: Clerk will send photos to Nichola Holderness.


Coronation Oak: Cllr Brandwood suggested that the words one the village plaque also be changed to reflect this.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to December meeting.


Police Liaison: Police Surgery will take place in the village hall on 28th October from 10.00 – 11.00.


Neighbourhood planning: Cllr Brandwood suggested inviting Simon Milson (the ELDC Neighbourhood planning officer) to come to the meeting in December 2022 or January 2023. The biggest advantage is that any planning applications must come through the parish council.

Action: Clerk to invite Mr Milson.


Village walk-about with Highways:  Chairman advised that Ms Leila Hardy came to the village walk-about, but Cllr Gray was unable to attend.   Light columns, trees and footpaths were discussed and are currently with Richard Fenwick and are listed as “in process”;   Reduction of the 40mph down to 30mph works is also in progress;   

Chairman thanked Ms Hardy for her interest and commitment.


Cost of living crisis – warm spaces: It was agreed that the village hall costs too much to keep heated and so was not deemed usable a potential warm space. It was suggested that the NAFFI on the airbase could perhaps be used as a part of “warm spaces”.

Action: Chairman to contact Mr Andrew Panton to advise of the project and seek his participation.


Planning applications/Consultations:  None received.


Financial matters: No invoices received.

Royal British Legion: Cllr Brandwood is awaiting the Royal British Legion receipt for wreaths.


Other matters for discussion:

Remembrance Day: Cllr Brandwood will leaflet drop the village regarding the police surgery and a second leaflet ahead of Remembrance Day and advising people of the Warm Spaces (If Mr Andrew Panton agrees).


LALC news letter: Chairman suggested ordering some of the published guides for the councillors:

The Good Councillors Guide x 6

The Good Councillors Guide to finance x 2

The Good Councillors Guide to neighbourhood planning x 2

Each costs £3.99 + P&P


Chairman also suggested getting further information on the New Councillors training and suggested that Clerk book onto the advanced Jadu training on 22nd November.


Macmillan Coffee morning: in the village raised in excess of £1300.  Cllr Brandwood would like to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers who baked and helped.


New councillor: Chairman asked our MoPs if any of them wanted to join the council and we are delighted that Mr Colin Briggs agreed. Chairman welcomed Cllr Briggs to the parish council.


Chairman thanked everyone present for their contribution and closed the meeting at 21.20.



Next meeting date:  Thursday 1st December 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2023 meetings: 19th January;   16th February;   16th March

(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.