East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

17th March 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, D Brown, Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: District Cllr T Taylor, County Cllr W Gray


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting:

Chairman bade all present welcome and started the meeting at 19.05.


Community Speed-watch: Helen Leek had contacted Clerk to advise that work commitments had prevented any action on Speed-watch to be done.

Jubilee celebration: No update available.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to April meeting.


Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.15.


Approval of minutes from February 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Brandwood proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from Cllr Gray:

Cllr Gray had sent his report which Clerk had forwarded to all the councillors.

Chairman asked Clerk to remind Cllr Gray about the footpath to Park Lane, which has been promised to be completed this financial year.

It was also agreed to ask Cllr Gray regarding the charge of £117.00 that EKPC had to pay for the Listed Building planning application.

Action: Clerk to contact Cllr Gray.


Update from last month:

Village information board: Quote from Sprint received. Chairman has received a quote from Arien Sign, which is roughly the same as Sprint Signs on the frame work, but carries an additional £450 charge for the actual board. It was agreed that Chairman would pursue the quote from Sprint and will meet with them face-to-face.


Viking Link and parish litter pick: It was suggested that Viking Link will assist the villagers to carry out a litter pick in late May.


CCTV quote: Cllr Brandwood has had a quote for £989.36 which includes some maintenance. A second quote was for less, but there was no maintenance. Cllrs all agreed that this was very expensive. It was agreed that Clerk will send all councillors the link to the CCTV system that she bought via Amazon.

Action: Clerk to send information to councillors.


Dog bin site: Chairman mentioned that the dog bin by the village hall has been repaired. However, the other one has been mounted incorrectly and the lid doesn’t open properly. It was agreed that Chairman should report this via FixMyStreet and ask for the bin to be moved down the other end of the village by the Manor Care Home.

Action: Chairman to report via FixMyStreet.


Cobblers Corner development:

There are some development works being carried out at Cobblers Corner. Old bits of building have been pulled down. Chairman met the owner and had a chat to get some clarification on what was happening. The plan is for the car repair area to be re-instated and refurbish the other structure with a view to turning it into a cafe. Chairman advised the owner to apply for planning application.


Financial matters:

Invoices received: Clerk’s wages of £86.80 which will be carried over to next month.


Planning applications/Consultations:

S/046/01203/21 – Semi-detached houses on Lancaster Business Park. Additional clearance has been taking place. Both water and electricity has been laid to the caravan on-site. Clerk to write to Ian Carrington and ask if this application should get rescinded from the planning site.  


S/046/00312/22 – Allstead House. The application is for a green “Nissen Hut” as the back of the property for storage of WWII vehicles.

It was agreed to SUPPORT this application.


S/046/00281/22 and S/046/00283/22 – Lincs Aviation Heritage Centre

It was agreed to SUPPORT these applications.


Financial matters

Clerk’s wages: It was agreed that the wages would be deferred to next month.


Other matters for discussion:

Clerk suggested moving the July meeting out by a week to July 28th and moving the September meeting forward by a week, making it the 8th of September.  Unanimously agreed.


Chairman closed the meeting at 20.05.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 21st April 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2022 meetings:    19th May;   16th June;   28th July;   8th September

(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.