East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

19th May 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, D Brown, County Cllr W Gray, Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: District Cllr T Taylor


Election of Chairman: Cllr Lingard volunteered Cllr B Nowicki, seconded by Cllr Brown.

Chairman accepted the nomination and asked Cllr Brandwood if he would continue as Vice-Chair which Cllr Brandwood agreed to.  All councillors signed their forms.


Chairman thanked the Councillors for their diligence and enthusiasm for the past year.


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting: Chairman bade all present welcome and started the public meeting at 19.10.


MoP raised a serious concern regarding the speed at which some of the AE Lentons (AEL) drivers are doing through the village. It was reported that the drivers were seen to be “racing the tractors and trailers are out of the airfield entrance on Fen Road ”without regard for other motorised traffic and pedestrians.  Other parishioners have also contacted AEL regarding this. Chairman advised that the Parish Council has raised this problem previously with AEL and will get in touch with AEL and re-iterate the concern regarding the speeding drivers.

Action: Chairman to contact AEL.


Community Speed-watch: Ms Helen Leek updated the councillors that the costs of additional speed signs from Lincs Road Safety Partnership are £10 each (A3 size). Chairman suggested purchasing an additional four x 30mph signs and an additional two x 40mph signs at £10 each. It was also suggested that a number of 30mph and 40mph signs (@ £0.50 each) be purchased and added to people’s bins. Chairman and Vice-Chairman will ascertain just how many signs of each are needed.


Action: Clerk to order from the Road safety partnership based on advice from Chairman and Vice-Chairman.


Jubilee celebration: Chairman has met with Lesley Brown, the lady involved with the organisation of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, who advised the Chairman that the road closure has been approved (Between 3 Fen Road and 31 Fen Road (Up to Manor Close)). Chairman advised that he has been in contact with Balfour Beatty re the litter pick and has asked if it would be possible to borrow  a couple of “Road Closed” signs and some barriers for the day.


MoP mentioned the dog litter bin, which Clerk will chase Cllr Taylor on.

Action: Clerk to chase Cllr Taylor


Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.50 and thanked everyone for their input and advised that MoPs are welcome to stay and listen, but not participate.


Approval of minutes from April 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes from the April meeting and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Lingard proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Brandwood. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Update from Cllr Gray:

Cllr Gray had sent his report earlier which Clerk had forwarded to all the councillors.


There are several initiatives regarding the demand for child care places and children’s welfare and safety with parents in Lincs being asked to provide information;    Lincoln Castle grounds will be decorated and open to the public with entertainment during the Queen’s Jubilee weekend;     Amnesty for medical equipment has been extended. Items can be dropped off or large items will be picked up;  Extra care housing roll-out schemes are on up again;    The Environment conference has been re-arranged to October due to low uptake. There is a cost associated which could be why people have not signed up to this conference.


General update on Ukrainian refugees: As of 13th May, 3153 families in Lincolnshire have come forward and there have been 381 matches, 271 families have already arrived in Lincs.

Every Ukrainian guest arriving in the UK (At any age) will be given £200 from ELDC and host families get £350 per month for 12 months. There is also a lot of work involved with re-matching where the initial match hasn’t worked out between the two families. If people can help with issues within the village, it was suggested to contact the Welfare Team via ELDC.


Cllr Gray met Mr Richard Fenwick (Highways) about the footpath to Park Lane, which is now being promised to be completed the 2022-2023 financial year.

Action: Clerk to contact Mr Fenwick from Highways to a meeting.


Update from last month:

Village information board: Chairman has visited Sprint Signs in person, but has requested an up-to-date quote, which we are still awaiting.


Litter pick: Chairman advised that a date of 26th May has been agreed. People are being encouraged to come to the village hall at 14.00. Balfour Beatty are sending 8 people with kit and bags. Chairman suggested that coffee, tea and biscuits be available to the volunteers.

Action: Clerk to advise Cllr Taylor of the bags being left at the village hall.


Planning applications/Consultations:  Cllr Brandwood had been on the ELDC planning website and there is a new application for an environment impact study from Foundations and Buildings Ltd for the site of the proposed 2 x 3-bedroom semi-detached houses.


A discussion ensued regarding the history of various buildings in the village and whether it was possible to protect these buildings perhaps by applying for Listed Building status on the WWII gatehouse opposite Cobblers Corner.


Annual Audit:

Chairman presented the annual Accounts which have been checked and signed off by our internal auditor.   Certificate of Exemption was signed by Chairman and Clerk (As RFO).

Minute ref: 160/01

The Accounting Statement was signed by Chairman and Clerk (As RFO).

Minute ref: 160/02




Financial matters:

Clerk’s wages: Clerk asked Council if it would be acceptable to gather together the wages from April through to the July meeting due to the difficulty in getting cheques paid into the bank. Chairman advised that an invoice should be presented and signed off monthly, but a quarterly cheque was acceptable. Unanimously agreed by all councillors at the subsequent vote.

Minute ref: 161/01


Other matters for discussion:

Neighbourhood planning policies: Cllr Brandwood mentioned that on the LALC newsletter there was a mention “How to review neighbourhood planning policies” and wondered if we had one – which we have not.

Chairman asked Cllr Brandwood to have a look at what is involved and report back to Council in June. (LCVS might be able to assist)

Action:  Cllr Brandwood to report back. Clerk to bring forward to June meeting.


Queen’s Jubilee Parish Council Grant:  Chairman mentioned a Queen’s Jubilee Parish Council Grant letter which had been sent 11th May, with a deadline of 31st July 2022 for application. Cllr Gray mentioned that some of his other parishes have applied and have already received their letters saying that their application has been approved.

Action: Clerk to apply for 2 benches 20th May 2022. 



Chairman closed the meeting at 21.30.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 16th June 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2022 meetings:  28th July*;  8th September*;  20th October;

(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.

* These dates have changed and are the new agreed dates.