East Kirkby Parish council Meeting

18th March 2021 – Via Teams 19.00 start


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, C Roe, Cllr V Lingard, County Cllr B Aron, District Cllr J Swanson, JH Mussett (Clerk)

Despite technical difficulties, all parties were able to ‘attend’.


Apologies:  None


Declarations of interest: None - based on the published agenda.


Approval of the February 2021 minutes: Chairman ascertained that all the councillors had read the February 2021 minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting.

Acceptance proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Unanimously approved at the subsequent vote.  Chairman signed the minutes off and will post a copy on the notice-board.


Public forum:   No members of the public were present on the Teams call.


Issues and Options public consultation:

Chairman again encouraged everyone to read and reply to this paper and will re-issue to all councillors.

Action: Chairman to send documentation to all councillors.


Viking Link:

Chairman updated councillors on the Viking Link route as it just clips a tiny corner within the parish boundary. As can be seen on the documentation there is likely to be little, or no, impact as it is anticipated that the cable(s) will be directionally drilled under the drain, adjacent Hagnaby Lock and, therefore, not need any excavations to be taken out in the road surface. Chairman has spoken to the Viking Link contact who will confirm the above.


 Update from County Councillor:

Councillor Aron confirmed that he will be standing for re-election at the May local elections.

Councillor Aron had provided an update prior to the meeting which Clerk had passed to all councillors.


Update from District Councillor:

Councillor Swanson had provided updates prior to the meeting which Clerk had passed to the councillors. Topics included:  Economic recovery post Covid-19;    £2.2M has been secured to help reduce ELDC carbon footprint;    Skegness and Mablethorpe have secured a Town Deal worth £48.4 million from the Government’s Towns Fund Scheme;   PCC election and County Council elections scheduled for 16th May 2021.

Action: Notifications to be posted on notice board and website.


Financial matters: Deferred to April meeting.


Planning applications:

East Kirkby House S/046/00232/21 & S/046/00233/21:

Chairman ascertained that all had seen the applications and all councillors were quite happy with the application. Cllr Brandwood had spoken to a couple of parishioners and they had expressed no concern with the proposed changes.

Councillors agreed to SUPPORT the application.


Aviation centre S/046/00280/21:

Aviation Centre wish to remove the existing roof which is leaking and take the tower back to how it looked during the war. There should be no real visual impact from the ground. The fibre glass will be reinforced to ensure that people can walk up onto the roof. All councillors agreed to SUPPORT the application.


Urgent matters for discussion:

Cllr Lingard mentioned the possibility of installing a bench by the village hall. Cllr Swanson mentioned that he does have some funds available to help with this type of project, but Cllr Lingard needs to fill in an application form.   Chairman will forward e-mail from the village hall committee to the councillors for discussion at the April meeting.

Action: Clerk to defer to next month’s agenda.


Chairman thanked the councillors for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 20.00.


Next meeting date:

Thursday 15th April 2021 - starting at 19.00

Via Microsoft Teams

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) prior to the meeting.


Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2021 meetings: 15th April;   20th May;   17th June;   15th July – all meetings start at 19.00.


(All dates and “venues” are subject to change)


Until restrictions are lifted by the Government, meetings will continue to happen via Microsoft Teams.  The meetings are open to the public (via Microsoft Teams). If you wish to ‘attend’, please get in contact via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com and I will send you the link.