East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

28th July 2022 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), V Lingard, D Brown, C Brandwood, County Cllr W Gray (Left at 20.10), District Cllr T Taylor (Left at 20.40), Members of the public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies tended and accepted: None


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting: Chairman welcomed all those present and started the public meeting at 19.10.


Community Speed-watch:

Highways have contacted Ms Leek regarding speed signs. East Kirkby village has been given 5 x 30mph and 5 x 40mph signs which is tremendous. Chairman thanked Ms Leek for her endeavours. Action: Chairman advised that he will take down the old signs and get them cleaned up and then get both new and old signs installed around the village. Chairman will carry out survey of the overhanging/overgrown trees on the A155 and forward the information, via the Parish Clerk, to Cllr Gray for comment/action.


Sewage smells on the main road:

MoP advised that he had reported the problem on 18th July and was visited later the same day by an Anglian Water operative who checked the manhole and confirmed that there was gas that should not be present. A day or two later MoP was advised that the problem had been resolved and the incident closed. MoP issued another complaint on 24th and again there was a fast reply despite being advised that there might be a delay of a few days for Anglian Water to respond.

The problem lies with the East Keal odourisation station. There was a query whether it would be possible for Clerk to write and ask for action.

Action: Clerk to contact Anglian Water


MoP asked about the transportation route of mass being taken into the bio-digester. Chairman advised that there is a specific route for mass coming from the north and another route for mass coming from the south. Chairman advised that he had spoken to AELentons regarding the speeding (racing) tractors through the village. The contractors at the time have finished, but Chairman has been advised that once the new contract starts, they will be advised that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable. Since the litter pick at the end of May, a large amount of rubbish has been dumped by the green gates belonging to AELentons.

Action:  Chairman will write to AELentons and ask them look into this.


Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.45 and thanked everyone for their input and advised that MoPs are welcome to stay and listen, but not participate.


Approval of minutes from June 2022 meeting:  Chairman ascertained that all present had read the minutes from the June meeting and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Lingard proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Brown. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Updates from Cllrs Gray & Taylor: Clerk had circulated supplied report(s) to all the councillors.

Cllr Gray suggested that the County Views survey should be taken by as many people as possible. (Link to survey  from Councillor Gray’s report www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/register );

ELDC have been working closely with the NHS to get lots of health apps out to people;

£4m from the Prosperity Fund mainly for adults with learning difficulties;

Good Citizen awards were presented at the Lincolnshire Show;


When Mr Fenwick was at the East Kirkby PC meeting in June, he suggested a Highways Walk-About with the new Highways managers (Leila Hardy and/or Kyra Nettle). Cllr Gray asked for a suggestion of dates (6th, 7th, 10th and 14th October) and he will then liaise with Highways and this Walk can cover all manner of highways items (double yellows to added or extended; speed limits; etc.).


Cllr Brandwood brought up the issue of Neighbourhood planning (Which is currently taking place in Horncastle, Alford and 2 others). Cllr Taylor mentioned that a Neighbourhood Plan is a very serious document IF accepted by the parishioners and it does mean that, once accepted, County and District Councils cannot just ride rough-shod over decisions in the village. Cllr Taylor also mentioned that it is a lot of work, but can be worth the effort. There are people in ELDC who can provide help and information.

Action: Clerk to ask Cllr Taylor to provide ELDC contact names.

Chairman mentioned a concern about the lack of flexibility once a Neighbourhood Plan is agreed upon and the difficulties in updating the plan.


Update from Cllr Taylor:

The contract for carrying out maintenance on street lighting has ended and works are now back with County Council and reported via FixMyStreet;

New and improved recycling centre has opened at Tattershall Thorpe;

The new purple-lidded paper/cardboard bins will be arriving very shortly within the village and the other good thing is that it means that glass can then be put into the grey (recycling) bin. The entire roll-out should be completed by end of September;

Energy rebates: this has now almost been completed by ELDC.  Part of any hold-up has been in tracking people down who do not pay by direct debit and people who own properties and rent them out;

The 2022 Electoral Canvass is happening via electors with e-mail addresses. Cllr Taylor will provide a contact name for Clerk;

Police are joining with ELDC regarding drug users and associated disturbances and have been issued with a tracking device allowing them to track where drugs are and have been. Council  has been made aware of a localised problem within the village;


Cllr Brown mentioned the number of very noisy motorbikes passing through the village. This is a subject to be raised at the Highways Walk-about along with the possibility of the ANPR van coming out.


Update from last month:

Village information board: Chairman has spoken to Sprint Signs. Artwork arriving shortly.

Action: Clerk to carry forward.


Queens Jubilee Parish Council grant: It was agreed that Chairman would measure existing benches and advise Clerk which benches to purchase.

Action: Clerk and Chairman to liaise. 


Coronation Oak: It is believed that the oak was procured by the Parish Council in 1953. Chairman suggested a celebration on 2nd June 2023 to commemorate the 70th anniversary. It was agreed that this was a good idea and that promoting the event should start as early as possible.

Action: Councillors to come up with suggestions and  Clerk to carry forward to September meeting.


Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Brandwood has done a lot of research on this matter and circulated information packs for all the councillors to read, digest and then discuss at the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to September meeting.


Planning applications/Consultations:  No applications to be discussed although concern was raised that there is still no application for the development at Cobblers Corner and that no developments have taken place in connection with the proposed two houses on Lancaster Business Park (S/046/01203/21).


Financial matters:

Statement of Internal Financial Control: Clerk had asked all councillors to review the document and comment. It was agreed that the wording on “External Audit” needs to be changed. Chairman and Clerk will liaise, circulate and get agreement from councillors and ratify at the September meeting.

Action: Chairman and Clerk.

Minute ref: 166/01


DM Payroll Services: Clerk advised that an invoice for £60.00, covering April – September 2022, has been received.

Minute ref: 166/02


Clerk’s wages: Advised that wages invoice will be presented at the next meeting spanning June to September. It was agreed that this was acceptable.

Minute ref: 166/03

All Financial matters unanimously agreed.


Other matters for discussion: None.


Chairman closed the meeting at 21.25.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 8th September 2022 - starting at 19.00

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2022 meetings:  20th October;    1st December


Dates for 2023 meetings: 19th January;   16th February;   16th March

(Dates are subject to change)


All meetings start at 19.00.  All meetings take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.