East Kirkby Parish council Meeting

18th February 2021 – Via Teams 19.00 start


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, C Roe, Cllr V Lingard , District Cllr J Swanson, JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies: County Cllr B Aron


Declarations of interest: None - based on the published agenda.


Approval of the January 2021 minutes: Chairman ascertained that all the councillors had read the January 2021 minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting.

Acceptance proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Roe. Unanimously approved at the subsequent vote.  Chairman signed the minutes off and will post a copy on the notice-board.


Safer together:   Chairman has taken over as the Police Liaison on an ad hoc basis after Cllr Brown. Chairman showed the email for the Safer Together Research Panel.  Chairman asked all councillors to sign up to Lincs Alert as a useful tool to keep abreast of things going on in Lincolnshire. 


Lives:  Chairman advised Councillors that we have had a request for funds from Lives. Chairman re-iterated that Council has previously taken the decision to not support any charities. Chairman asked the councillors if we should donate to Lives. It was suggested by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously agreed that a cheque for £100.00 (One hundred) should be sent to Lives.

Action:  Clerk to send cheque for £100.00.

Minute ref: 127/01


Update from District Councillor:

Local Plan Consultation:  Cllr Swanson encouraged the councillors to read and take part in the consultation regarding the local plan. Taking part is easy with ticking of boxes and an area for comments.

Economic recovery;  Vaccination & transport;  Census: Taking place in March;   Green waste: deadline for entering the competition to win your Green Waste subscription ended 19/2/2021.


Financial matters: Clerk’s wages: Clerk’s wages totalling £76.00.

Minute ref: 127/02


Acceptance of clerk’s wages was proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by D Brown.

Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.


Planning applications: S/046/00152/21 – East Kirkby House

The application is for: Change of use, conversion of and alterations to the existing stables to provide a self contained annexe and workshop.

Chairman mentioned that the part of the application where the applicant has ticked YES to having received advice from ELDC, the information has been redacted in the ‘Design and Access Statement’.

Cllr Brandwood mentioned that the nearest neighbours to this application have no objections as he had spoken to them in the village. Cllr Brandwood did mention a concern regarding collection of rainwater possibly adding additional flooding into the graveyard. Cllr Lingard mentioned that the rain is currently coming from the hills and that part of the problem is that some of the minor drains around the graveyard have been filled in – adding to the flooding possibility. Cllr Brandwood also mentioned that there was a possibility of potentially making the annex into either a holiday let or a separate dwelling. However, Cllr Swanson mentioned that this is not a material consideration and the discussion should only be based on the actual application before the Parish Council.

Chairman asked Councillors if the council should support the application, which was unanimously agreed. However, a comment should be added that the Parish Council expressed concern over the disposal of waste in the current septic tank.


Urgent matters for discussion:

Dog warden: Cllr Brandwood asked if Clerk had heard back from dog Warden, which she has not.


Cllr Brown raised concern regarding safety of dog walkers and the state of the road with the large slurry tractors and trucks – same as per last meeting. Clerk to write another letter.


Excess amounts of rubbish outside the 30MPH on the Fen Road by the entrance to the sewage works.  It was suggested that a litter pick be organised after the current pandemic has run its course.  


Chairman thanked the councillors for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 20.00.


Next meeting date:

Thursday 18th March 2021 - starting at 19.00

Via Microsoft Teams

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.


Please visit our new web-site via:



Dates for 2021 meetings: 18th March; 15th April; 20th May – all meetings start at 19.00.


(All dates and “venues” are subject to change)


Until restrictions are lifted by the Government, meetings will continue to happen via Microsoft Teams or ZOOM.  We anticipate being able to open up the meeting to the public again very shortly (via Microsoft Teams). If you wish to ‘attend’, please let me know and I will send you the link.