Adapted and Modified Specifically for East Kirkby Parish Council by Mrs. J Mussett (Parish Clerk)
Mr. B Nowicki (Chairman of the Parish Council).
October 2024.
The Parish Council aims to learn from complaints and, where they are found to be justified, to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to improve the service it gives.
It will:
- Ensure that anyone who wishes to make a complaint knows how to go about it,
- respond to a complaint efficiently and within a reasonable time,
- ensure that complainants are satisfied that the complaint has been taken seriously and,
- where possible, reasonable measures have been taken to improve the service the Parish Council gives.
All complaints will be dealt with in confidence, and the name of the complainant will not be revealed by the Parish Council, except where it is the wish of the complainant.
What is a Complaint?
The Parish Council will investigate a complaint from a person, or their nominated representative, if it is one of the following:
- An expression of dissatisfaction about the failure to provide or meet the expected standard of service that the Parish Council gives.
- Neglect or delay in responding to a contact with the Parish Council.
- Failure to observe the Parish Council's Standing Orders and/or Code of Practice.
- Discourteous or dishonest conduct by a Parish Councillor.
- Harassment, bias, or discrimination.
The Complaints Procedure does not cover:
- Where a person wishes to disagree with a Parish Council decision or makes a request under the Freedom of Information Act, whereby there are alternative processes for representation in place.
- Anonymous complaints.
To make a Complaint:
- All formal complaints, must be sent to the Parish Clerk via the Parish Council’s e-mail address, eastkirkbypc@gmail.com, or if the complaint involves the Parish Clerk, the e-mail should be sent to the Chairman of the Parish Council, briannowicki193@btinternet.com.
Complaint handling:
- Within seven working days of receipt of the complaint, the Parish Clerk, or Parish Council Chairman, will give written acknowledgement of it, provide a copy of this complaints procedure, and ascertain whether the complainant wishes the matter to be treated confidentially.
- The formal complaint will be considered at the next meeting of the Parish Council.
- If more than twenty-one days is to lapse between receipt of the complaint and the next meeting of the Parish Council, the Parish Council Chairman will convene an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council to receive and hear the complaint.
- At the meeting, the Parish Council may resolve to exclude members of the public, and press, to ensure confidentiality. (Depending on whether the complainant wishes the matter to be dealt with in this way).
- At the meeting, the Parish Council will consider the complaint.
- After the meeting, the Parish Clerk/Parish Council Chairman will write to the complainant explaining the outcome of the Parish Council’s consideration of the complaint and explaining how to take matters further if they believe this is necessary.
Failure to reach agreement.
- If the complainant wishes to further pursue the matter, he/she must notify the Parish Council, via e-mail, with his/her reasons for wanting to do so and an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be convened for the purpose of investigating the complaint further.
- Notice of the extraordinary Parish Council meeting will be advertised in the usual way to members of the Parish Council, i.e. a summons and with three clear days’ notice. A public notice will also be displayed in the usual way, i.e. posted on the Parish Council’s website, and notice board and giving three clear days’ notice.
- Complainants will be asked by e-mail to attend the Parish Council extraordinary meeting and will be informed that they may be accompanied by another person.
- At the commencement of the extraordinary meeting, the Parish Council Chairman will explain how the meeting will proceed.
- Complainants will be asked to provide any new information or supporting evidence to the extraordinary meeting and will be invited to make a verbal representation to the meeting.
- Parish Councillors will be invited by the Parish Council Chairman to ask questions of the complainant.
- The Chairman of the extraordinary meeting, and then the complainant will summarise their respective positions.
- The complainant will then leave the extraordinary meeting, and the Parish Councillors will consider the further findings.
- The complainant will be informed, via e-mail, of the conclusions of the process within five working days of the extraordinary meeting.
- The Chairman will report the outcome of the process to the next meeting of the Parish Council. Minutes of the extraordinary meeting will be kept and will be available to all parties involved in the complaint.