Adapted and Modified Specifically for East Kirkby Parish Council by
Mrs. J Mussett (Parish Clerk)
Mr. B Nowicki (Chairman of the Parish Council)
October 2024
This policy is designed to promote efficient administration of meetings, avoid inquorate meetings, and permit timely rescheduling of meetings where necessary. It will also provide accountability for the Parish Councillors.
Apologies for Absence
Parish Councillors shall give as much advance notice as possible of absence from all meetings either by mentioning at a previous meeting, email, or telephone to the Parish Clerk.
The deadline for receipt of an apology for absence shall be the end of office hours on the same day as the meeting.
Apologies for absence shall be made directly in advance and not via a third person such as another Parish Councillor at the meeting.
Extended Periods of Absence
A Parish Councillor who does not attend any meetings for a period of six consecutive months will automatically cease to be a member of the Parish Council unless the reason for absence is approved by the Parish Council before the end of the period (Local Government Act 1972, S. 85).
If absence becomes necessary for extended periods, Parish Councillors are advised to submit a request to the Parish Clerk giving the reason for absence, for approval by the Parish Council.
Recording and Publishing Attendance
For all meetings of the Parish Council, the Parish Clerk will record members’ attendance, or non-attendance with or without apologies, in a centrally held spreadsheet kept for that purpose. The minutes of these meetings will show Parish Councillors in attendance and Parish Councillors absent with and without apologies.