East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

20th April 2023 19.00 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, V Lingard, C Briggs, District Cllr T Taylor (Arr. 19.40, left at 20.15), Members of the Public (MoP), Mrs JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies: County Cllr W Gray


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.


Public meeting: Chairman opened the meeting at 19.00 and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Dog mess: MoP mentioned that people are not picking up their dog mess on several lanes and places within the village. Cllr Brandwood advised that at the end of the day, it is the individual person’s responsibility to pick up and take their mess home.

The road to Ashley Isles Ltd. was mentioned, and that Tony Pewton had broken the axle of his car on a large pothole. As it is a public highway, the normal rules and regulations apply, and any potholes should be reported to LCC Highways via ‘Fix My Street’. It was also brought to the PC’s attention that there was a lot of dog mess on the road, again as the lane is public highway people can be prosecuted for failing to remove dog faeces. It was suggested that the landlord of the Red Lion and Ms Helen Leek put a post on the village Facebook page and people are also advised that, with regards to dog faeces, their first recourse is to contact the dog warden at ELDC (01507 60111).


Verges on Fen Road: Damage to the verges is quite extensive with the large loads going to and from the bio-digester.

Action: Chairman will speak to Mr O Shooter.


Bird scarers: MoP asked if anyone knew when the bird scarers were going to be turned off. Chairman suggested that MoP first contact the local farmer and discuss the problem but to also look at the rules and regulations in regard to bird scarers and their proximity to private houses. The alternative footpath provided by one of the local farmers (to protect his crop) needs to be maintained, again the MoP was advised to contact the farmer concerned and see what provision he has in place to maintain the footpaths.


Speeding drivers in the village: Several MoPs advised that there are several drivers speeding thru the village on their way to and from the nursery. Cllr Brandwood advised that evidence is needed (dates, times and registrations etc) in order for the PCSO to take action.


MoP asked Cllr Taylor if the electorate get informed that they do no need to turn out to vote on 4th May as Cllr Taylor and the Parish Councillors are all returned uncontested – To which Cllr Taylor advised that the electorate will not be notified. Consequently, there is no need for an election and no need for the voting station at the Village Hall. MoP will put a notice on the village Facebook page; Chairman will put a notice on the notice boards and Clerk will update the website.


MoP asked if there were any celebrations planned in connection with the coronation. Chairman advised that the Parish Council will support any celebration, but have not actually planned anything.


Chairman thanked everyone present for their input and participation and closed the public meeting at 19.45. All MoPs left the meeting at this point.


Approval of minutes from the March 2023 meeting: Chairman ascertained that the councillors had read the minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Minutes were unanimously agreed. Chairman signed a copy of the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.


Updates from County and District Councillors: Cllr Taylor advised that we are in the purdah-period of the election process and basically very little comes out until after the election.  The first full council meeting is on May 24th when councillors will get allocated to the various committees etc.  One of the focus items for the future will be more green energy (Solar farms; mini wind turbines).  At the new Hub, the entire roof is made of solar panels and are extremely efficient. A discussion on partnerships, devolvement and housing ensued. There is “Love your local market” from 12th May till 27th.


Update from last month:

Anglian Water: Cllr Briggs and Brandwood noticed a very nasty smell on 19th April, but Chairman advised that the smell wasn’t caused by Anglian Water, but by a local farmer spreading muck on the fields. We will carry item forward to May meeting. All to keep a lookout on this item.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to next meeting.


Village information board: Chairman passed around a proposed lay-out from Burgess. A discussion ensued as to the proposals, which were generally endorsed, and Chairman will liaise further with Burgess.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to next meeting.


Litter pick:  Chairman advised the litter pick with Balfour Beatty on 3rd May is cancelled as Balfour Beatty are moving from their site in Stickford that week, Chairman will contact Balfour Beatty to see what further assistance they may be able to offer.

Action: Clerk to carry forward to next meeting.


ANPR camera: Chairman asked the Councillors the obvious questions of:

Can we afford the up-front costs of purchase a camera as a Parish Council and can we afford the on-going maintenance? Overall, it was agreed that as a council we cannot afford it.


Election update/and acceptance of office/expense forms: Chairman passed around the Return of Election Expenses forms for the councillors to sign. Clerk will post to ELDC following May 4th election day.


Future meeting dates and changes: Chairman suggested moving the 20th July meeting to the 27th July* to cover the lack of meeting in August. Clerk suggested moving the 16th November meeting to 30th November*, to cover the lack of meeting in December, which was unanimously agreed by all councillors.


Financial matters:  Invoices received: Chairman advised the councillors of Clerk’s wages and costs. Invoice was unanimously agreed by all councillors.


Planning applications received: None received.


Chairman thanked all for their attention and contribution and closed the meeting at 20.50.


Next meeting date:  Thursday 18th May 2023 - starting at 19.00.

This will also be the Annual Parish Council meeting.

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) before the meeting.

Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2023 meetings:   15th June;   27th July*;   21st September;   19th October;   30th November*


Dates are subject to change.

All meetings start at 19.00 and take place in East Kirkby Village Hall.