April 2021 Minutes


East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

15th April 2021 – via Teams 19.00 start


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, C Roe, D Brown, V Lingard, County Cllr B Aron (left the meeting at 19.15), District Cllr J Swanson, JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies: None


Declarations of interest: None - based on the published agenda.


Approval of March minutes:  Chairman ascertained that all the councillors had read the March 2021 minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting.

Acceptance proposed by Cllr Brown, seconded by Cllr Lingard.

Unanimously approved at the subsequent vote.  Chairman signed the minutes off electronically and will post a copy on the notice-board. Clerk will post on web-site.


Public forum: No members of the public had registered to attend.


Update from County Councillor:

Elections on 6th May between 7 and 10pm. Cllr reminded everyone to bring their own pens and pencils due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Cllr Brandwood mentioned that several parishioners had advised him of a series of water leaks by the Aviation Centre. However, it is the main water pipe, which appears to be asbestos, and Anglian Water have reported back that they will not replace the water main, but repair the fault, but would rather it was aired. Cllr Aron asked Cllr Brandwood to send him the details. Cllr Aron will ascertain who the right authority is to deal with this.


Clrl Aron will be dropping election leaflets off around East Kirkby village on Monday 19th April 2021.


Cllr Lingard mentioned a pothole on church Lane at the crossroads. Cllr Aron will check the location whilst in the village and take photos and upload the problem.


Chairman and councillors wished Cllr Aron good luck in the upcoming elections. 


Update from District Councillor: There was nothing to report from Cllr Swanson. Chairman mistakenly asked if Cllr Swanson was standing in the upcoming elections? To which Cllr Swanson replied that it is not a District election and he will still be a District Councillor for at least another 2 years.


Cllr Lingard and Chairman will fill-in an application for a community grant from Cllr Swanson to assist with purchasing a new bench or the fencing by the village hall. Cllr Swanson has £1000 to share between his 7 parishes.


Return to face-to-face meetings:  Clerk had circulated the HSE form sent by LALC and filled out by Chairman. It means that the meeting must be closed to the public and to both our County Councillor and our District Councillor.


Village hall bench: Chairman mentioned that the bench by the war memorial is in quite a good state, the other bench is, sadly, deteriorating more quickly. Council to discuss “repair or replace” in May.

Clerk/Chairman showed the councillors a few options of recycled plastic benches. Recycled plastic benches mean no maintenance.  Clerk to send the list to all councillors so they can look at the options.  Chairman suggested an on-line voting form to all Councillors. Chairman advised that the cost for a bench would be approx. £500.

Cllr Brandwood asked if we had the funds available following the deferment of the precept. Chairman showed the Medium-Term Finance Plan which shows that there are sufficient funds from projects that the Council has not undertaken.

Clerk advised that KS Allbones have sent a cheque to the Clerk for £100 to be given to the village hall funds. Cllr Brandwood advised that Peta4Dogs would also contribute.

Action: Clerk to email list to councillors.


Financial matters:  Clerk’s wages: Deferred to May meeting as cheques are running low.  


Planning applications:  None received.


Urgent matters for discussion:

Website: Clerk has contacted all the companies on the list and as a direct result has in a nice contribution of £100 from KS Allbones and a confirmation from Peta4Dogs.


Lives: We’ve received a nice letter from Lives thanking us for our cheque.


Cllr Brown asked if we could have a new “East Kirkby” sign on Fen Road by the exit from the airfield(?). Chairman will ascertain damage and advise.


Chairman thanked the councillors for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 19.50.  


Next meeting date:

Thursday 20th May 2021 - starting at 19.00

in the village hall.

Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

by the Thursday (1 week) prior to the meeting.


Please visit our web-site via:



Dates for 2021 meetings:   20th May;   17th June;   15th July;   16th September – all meetings start at 19.00.


(All dates and venues are subject to change)


Despite restrictions Being eased by the Government, the May meeting will be a closed meeting to adhere to the guideline of maximum 6 people meeting.