East Kirkby Parish council Meeting

17th September 2020 – East Kirkby Village Hall

19.00 start


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, V Lingard, C Roe, JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies: None


Declarations of interest: None -based on the published agenda.


Approval off minutes:

Chairman ascertained that all the councillors had read the July minutes and that they were an accurate representation of events. Chairman reminded the councillors that there had been a change to the originally published draft minutes as per the instruction issued by PFK LIttlejohn, the accountants.  The change was regarding the public viewing dates. The amended document was sent to Councillors ahead of the meeting.

Acceptance of the July minutes was proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Lingard.

Action: Chairman signed the minutes off and will post a copy on the notice-board.


Village Plaque:

Chairman asked the councillors if they had further suggestions for the plaque. All councillors were keen for further information on Just Jane (the WWII Lancaster at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre - LAHC) to be added. Chairman will try to speak to Mr Panton at LAHC and obtain some better pictures of Just Jane.

The village sign is to be added to the plaque.

Cllr Brandwood mentioned that it was hard to imagine what the finished product would look like. It would be useful to have a mock-up. Chairman will attempt to do a mock-up for next meeting.

Cllr Brown asked if a sign pointing to the Millennium seat would be possible along with more information. Councillors discussed the possibility of adding a brass line by the Millennium Seat, showing E (East) and W (West).  Further discussion required.


Councillors also mentioned the possibility of more information on the windmill.


Chairman mentioned that the Tommy Silhouettes are now no longer available to purchase. Chairman has spoken to Ryan and Diane Teague regarding the 2nd Tommy and what to do now as they are no longer being made.  Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of having a second one made in the village. Chairman will pursue.


Suggestion to meet at the War Memorial at 18.50 at the next meeting date 15th October 2020.


Action: Chairman Speak to Mr Panton; Add more information about the windmill; Tommy silhouette; provide mock-up if possible.

Action: Clerk to carry item forward.


Financial matters:

DM Payroll Services: Clerk advised Council that the cheque had been sent off.


Statement of internal control:  Cllr Brandwood requested that a change be made to the statement on Point 2.

Action: Clerk to amend.


Councillors unanimously agreed to the invoice and the statement of internal control.


Planning applications

None received.


Urgent matters for discussion

Village hall gulley in car park: Chairman has asked a builder from Sleaford to check the gulley in the village hall car park and provide us a quote.

Work to be carried out: Broken concrete to be removed and a 2m x 1.5m (roughly) of single steel reinforced concrete “apron” to be replaced.

Action: Clerk will also ask local builder if he would like to provide a quote.


Village hall: Cllr Lingard has filled in an application for a grant towards the village hall, due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the finances of the village hall.

Cllr Brown suggested that the parish council make an ex-gratia payment to village hall, seconded by Cllr Roe, to ensure that the village hall finances will survive.


Litter in the village: Cllr Brown mentioned the amount of litter throughout the village. Particularly the number of McDonalds bags.


Remembrance Day: Cllr Brandwood has asked for guidance from our MP regarding what will and will not be allowed in connection with Remembrance Day.


Dog mess bin: Cllr Brandwood raised the point regarding another dog mess bin and wondered if anyone knew if there would be an additional charge for emptying. It also turns out that one of the dog mess bins has been removed.

Cllr Brandwood will contact the Dog Warden to discuss requirements.


Chairman thanked the councillors for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 20.20.


Next meeting date:

Thursday 15th October 2020 - starting at 18.50

At the War Memorial

Covid-19 restrictions permitting.


Due to the current restrictions, meetings are closed to the public. Any itemsto be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com by the Tuesday before the meeting.


Dates for 2020 meetings: 3rd December – all meetings start at 19.00.

Dates for 2021 meetings: 21st January; 18th February


(All dates are subject to change)