East Kirkby Parish council Meeting

15th October 2020 – East Kirkby Village Hall

19.00 start


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, V Lingard, C Roe, JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies: None


Declarations of interest: None - based on the published agenda.


Approval of the September minutes:

Chairman ascertained that all the councillors had read the September minutes and that they were an accurate representation of events.

Cllr Brandwood mentioned a change as the minutes state that Chairman had spoken to Ryan and Dian Teague, but this didn’t happen till after the September meeting. Acceptance of the July minutes was proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Brown.

Action: Chairman signed the minutes off and will post a copy on the notice-board.


Village Plaque:

Chairman and councillors met at the War Memorial at 18.50 and discussed the location of the village plaque. Councillors went back to the village hall and further discussed the contents of the plaque information.

Chairman showed the councillors a mock-up of the information. It was agreed to investigate having 2 plaques - One on either side of the gate which would make the signs less intrusive and maintain the focus on the War Memorial.

Chairman had produced an A5-leaflet with the proposed information and it was suggested that the back page could have information about the village hall, which was originally built and consecrated as a church and has also acted as a hospital during World War I.


Action: Clerk to carry item forward.


Attendance at meetings/Covid-19:

Chairman again mentioned the impact of Covid-19 and possible further restrictions coming in later in the year. Chairman also mentioned to councillors that if they feel unhappy about the seating arrangements, the potential risks etc, they are well within their rights to not attend in person. The possibility of using Zoom or WhatsApp etc is also available.


Financial matters:

RBL and Poppy Wreath – Cllr Brandwood had taken receipt of the wreath on behalf of the parish council along with the invoice. Councillors unanimously agreed to the charge of £21.00 and added £9.00 as a donation.

Minute ref: 123/01

Action: Clerk to send cheque off.


Councillor Brandwood has asked our local MP Victoria Atkins what the guide-lines are for wreath laying activities. The answer that came back was “Wait and See” as no guidelines are currently available.

The choir, the pub, Chairman and the Parish Council have all ordered wreaths and the suggestion is that there is no service/get-together, but people will just pay their respect and lay their wreaths.


Gulley in village hall car park: Chairman advised that he’s had a quote for the repair work for the gully in the car park. To dig up and dispose broken concrete and replace with reinforced fibre concrete: £480.00 incl. VAT.

Action: Clerk to chase other contractor for a quote


Clerk’s wages will resume in October and an invoice will be raised for the December meeting.


Councillors unanimously agreed to the RBL invoice.


Planning applications

None received.


Urgent matters for discussion

Village hall: Cllr Lingard has received a grant towards the village hall, due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the finances of the village hall.


Dog mess bin: Cllr Brandwood has spoken to Customer Services who advised the council would call back within 5 days. He will chase the council again.

Action: Cllr Brandwood


Chairman thanked the councillors for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 20.05.


Next meeting date:

Thursday 3rd December 2020 - starting at 19.00

Covid-19 restrictions permitting.


Due to the current restrictions, meetings are closed to the public. Any items to be brought before the Council can be submitted to the Clerk via eastkirkbypc@gmail.com by the Tuesday before the meeting.


Dates for 2021 meetings: 21st January; 18th February; 17th March – all meetings start at 19.00.


(All dates are subject to change)