East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

16th January 2020 – 19.30 start

East Kirkby Village Hall


Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, V Lingard, County Cllr B Aron, District Cllr J Swanson, Members of the Public (MoP),  JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies received/accepted: Cllr C Roe


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.

Public meeting:  

Chairman opened the public meeting at 1930. MoP advised that he had purchased Somersby Lodge (21a Fen Road) in September and advised the Council that he would like to pull the piggery down, erect a new dwelling away from the boundary fences and put in mains drains.  MoP asked if East Kirkby Parish Council (EKPC) would look over his suggested plans prior to submitting to East Lindsey District Council (ELDC).

Cllr Swanson advised the meeting that he would listen to the discussion, but offer no comments.

MoP was advised that there is an existing application for a single dwelling with the piggery being used as a garage - which he had not seen. Councillors all agreed that the plans looked very agreeable.

Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.15.  





Approval of the minutes from 5th December 2019 meeting:

Chairman ascertained that all had read the minutes and agreed that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Chairman asked for a councillor to proposed acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Brown, seconded by Cllr Brandwood. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.

Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.








Members’ and Clerk’s report back:

Car park gully quote: Chairman has requested a quote, awaiting receipt. Carry forward.




Update from Cllr Aron:

County Council: A new Chief Executive (Debbie Barnes). Ms Barnes has been with the County Council since 2006; has previously been in Child Services.

Fire & Rescue: new appliances and equipment being rolled out. £8M spent on new equipment and kit.

Fixmy street: is still being updated.

Draft budget: Budget will be out for consultation very soon.

Waste partnership: Council are asking for people to be vigilant and abide by the 3G rule: No Glitter, No Grease, No Grub going in the recycling bins.

New parish website platform: coming in the Spring, training sessions being advertised.

Airfix exhibition: coming to Lincoln 26-26 January.

Highways: Cllr Brandwood brought up a query regarding the location of the new grit bin as it makes it very difficult for wheelchair users to get past. Cllr Aron will query and request that County Council move the bin to a more suitable location – Cllrs Aron and Brandwood to liaise.

Another query was raised regarding footpaths to and from the village and especially wheelchair access as far as Jasper's Cafe.

Cllr Aron will be meeting with Highways 17th January 2020. Cllr Aron has the original list from EKPC. Cllr Lingard asked for the subsidence, on what appears to be the line of a gully trench on Chapel Lane to be put on the list. Footpath problem is specifically regarding footpaths along the A155 and Chapel Lane.

It is expected that the new contractors from April onwards have less intrusive kit and hence will not cause the amount of damage to the footpath surfaces caused by the previous contractors.


Cllr Aron left the meeting at 21.00.














Cllr Aron

Cllr B’wood

Update from Cllr Swanson:

Travellers: Cllr Swanson advised that ELDC claim that the travellers have moved from the private land site onto District Council land. EKPC still believe that the travellers are on private land. Chairman re-iterated that EKPC have received no complaints from within East Kirkby Parish regarding the travellers. The complaint has come from Stickford parish council to Cllr Swanson.

Monies allocated to Mablethorpe (25M) and 25M to Skegness: Projects were due to be evaluated by 2 Boards, but there will now only be 1 Main Board deciding on the projects, with a place Board for each town.

Leaders meeting: Cllr Swanson attended the Leaders Meeting as he is standing in for the leader of the Independent Councillors.  One of the items discussed was budget. Cllr Swanson does not believe that there are any big shocks. Deprivation and Global Environment are two items of attention within the budget proposal.

Green Waste: Time is right to sign up for Green Waste. Still at £40 for 28 collections. Deadline is 21st February 2020.  



Village plaque:

The village plaque was originally discussed in 2019. Cllr Swanson donated £200 towards the new plaque. Now that we have had the War Memorial rededication, it is time to decide what goes onto the plaque(s). Chairman asked the Councillors for their ideas and input for the February meeting. 

Carpenters Cottage has been there since 1520s; War Memorial & rededication; Windmill; St. Nicholas’ Church; other suggestion s at the February meeting please.







Footpaths & wheel chair access:

Covered under Cllr Aron’s update.



Planning Applications:  

None received



Financial matters:

Precept: Clerk confirmed that precept information had been sent to and accepted by the council.  


Clerk's wages: Clerk's wages of £114.00. Mileage of £10.80. Stamps £7.32.  Cheque 100595. Wages were unanimously agreed.

Minute ref: 117/01


Invoice was discussed and unanimously agreed by the Parish Councillors.



Communications/Urgent items for discussion:

No items were raised. 


Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance, attention and contributions and closed the meeting at 21.35.


Minutes can be found on the village notice board and via:



Next meeting is: Thursday 20th February 2020 - starting at 19.30.



Dates for 2020 meetings: 19th March; 16th April; 21st May – all meetings start at 19.30.


(All dates are subject to change)



Mrs Janne Mussett

E-mail: eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

Tel: 01205 336515