East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting
19th September 2019 – 19.30 start
East Kirkby Village Hall
Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, Cllr C Roe, District Cllr J Swanson, Members of the Coningsby & Tattershall District Royal British Legion (RBL), Members of the Public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)
Apologies received/accepted: Cllr V Lingard, County Cllr B Aron
Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.
Public meeting: MoP who is chairwoman of the village hall and part of the village parochial council as well advised the Councillors that there have been a number of large expenditures for the hall including new safety doors and that a new boiler had become a requirement. Although the village hall committee have some monies in the bank, MoP advised that the village hall insurance was also due. MoP has had one quote for a new boiler of approx. £4,500. MoP is asking for assistance with the new boiler. MoP was asked to leave the hall to allow council to discuss. Chairman advised the council that the hall is entirely run without funding from the church and the parish council. Chairman also mentioned that he would be happy for the council to support the purchase of the new boiler, if the rest of the council agreed with him. Chairman advised council of the parish council funds in the bank. Cllr Brandwood proposed that the council pays £4,000 towards the new boiler, which was seconded by Cllr Roe. Council unanimously agreed to fund the £4,000. MoP , once readmitted to the hall, was delighted with the offer made by the council. Chairman made one condition to MoP which was that council needs to see both quotes at the next meeting prior to payment. Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.10. |
Approval of the minutes from 18th July 2019 meeting: Chairman ascertained that all had read the minutes and agreed that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Chairman asked for a councillor to proposed acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Roe. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board. |
Chairman |
Members’ and Clerk’s report back: Gully quotes: Carry forward AE Lenton: AELenton responded to the mail from the council and claims to have put an action plan in place. MoP who raised the issue at the last has written to Clerk again and advised that nothing has changed since last time. Chairman asked that: 1. Clerk forward MoP’s email to Mr Shooter. including a cover note saying that someone from AE Lenton should have been at the July meeting and again tonight2. Clerk to ask MoP to record any incidents of speeding, bullying and phone abuse; preferably with pictures. |
Clerk |
War memorial rededication update: Refurbishment: Leake's have almost completed the works, but the railings still need to be painted.
Attendees: Royal Anglian Regiment will be represented, hopefully with a standard (or 2), a bugler and cadets; RBL will be present with a standard bearer; Reverend Canon Peter Coates will conduct the service. Reverend Coates has suggested a meeting on Friday 11th October at 15.00 to talk & walk through the proceedings; Cllr Lingard is organising the laurel wreaths;
RBL: Raised concern about the state of the road and the length of the walk from the church to the memorial. Cllr Brown suggested that Kings' buses at Stickney might help out (Chairman will contact).
Road closure: Chairman advised that all is in place. Chairman will drop letters to all residents and businesses.
Tommy silhouette: PETA4Dogs has very kindly purchased a Tommy Silhouette to ensure that there is one at the War Memorial. Cllr Brandwood wondered if Mr Ernie Ashby would unveil the Tommy on the date. It was also suggested that each of the fallen be represented y a cardboard Tommy and laid on the War Memorial. Cllr Brandwood also mentioned that some funds have been raised and the hope is these will then be used to purchase a 2nd one. It was agreed that Clerk would apply for planning permission to cover 2 Tommy silhouettes at the War Memorial. |
Clerk |
Update from Cllr Swanson Cllr Swanson apprised the council that the Tree House Infants school will be receiving a contribution from his Councillor funds and is therefore unable to assist with the village hall boiler.
Tourism in East Lindsey has hit £699M; Skegness Tower esplanade gets £400K for improvement to the lights etc.; Mablethorpe and Skegness have been support through The Town Funds, no numbers yet; British Food fortnight runs till 7th October with vouchers available in local press; Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel is 20th September regarding the Police and Crime plan from Crime commissioner; Several people who dumped mustard gas in Woodhall Spa have pleaded guilty. ELDC have also been looking for suggestions to assist with their 5-year plan and associated critical points. |
Planning Applications: S/046/01516/19 - Parish Council is very confused as there is no change between the original application and this new one. The property is completed and up for sale. What is the application actually for? |
Clerk |
Financial matters: Leake's Masonry: Invoice received for £2,640 which has previously been agreed. Cheque 100586 Minute ref: 111/01
DM Payroll: Clerk advised Council that the invoice for £48.50 has already been paid. Cheque 100585 Minute ref: 111/02
Clerks wages: Clerks wages of £171.00. Mileage of £10.80. Cheque 100587. Wages were unanimously agreed. Minute ref: 111/03
Communications/Urgent items for discussion: No items raised.
Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance, attention and contributions and closed the meeting at 22.30.
Minutes can be found on the village notice board and via: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/eastkirkby
Next meeting is: Thursday 17th October 2019 - starting at 19.30.
Dates for 2019 meetings: 5th December – all meetings start at 19.30.
Dates for 2020 meetings: 16th January; 20th February; 19th March – all meetings start at 19.30.
(All dates are subject to change) |
Mrs Janne Mussett
E-mail: eastkirkbypc@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 336515