East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting

21st March 2019 - 19.30 start

Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, V Lingard, C Roe, District Cllr J Swanson, County Cllr B Aron, JH Mussett (Clerk)


Apologies received/accepted:


Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the agenda.

Public meeting:  No MoP present so Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.35.




Approval of the minutes from February 2019 meeting:

Chairman ascertained that all had read the February minutes and that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Chairman asked for a councillor to proposed acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Roe. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.

Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.







Members’ and Clerk’s report back:

War memorial update: Chairman has made contact with Major Timothy Brown of the Royal Anglian Regiment. Major Brown has promised to get involved with the rededication. He will attempt to get the Regimental Colours/Standard and additional soldiers etc present.

Cllr Brandwood mentioned that there had been a request in The Tannoy for people to contact him regarding living relatives of the fallen, but has had no responses so far.


Clerk mentioned that Sibsey have a Tommy Silhouette and will take photographs of the installation to provide ideas for the East Kirkby installation.


Council walk-about (Late February):  On the walk-about, Chairman raised the issues with Cllrs Richard Davies and Bill Aron, as well as Andy Ratcliffe from Highways and Cllr Aron. No report has yet been published, nor a start date for the works.

Potholes and footpaths are a priority. Footpaths are still a problem especially from Jaspers onto the village. The Manor Close end is not considered bad enough, but the Parish Council will keep an eye on it and get it reported again later.

The 30mph sign will appear;

Church Road to church;

Spalling on Fen Rd/A155 junction was also on the list.

The 50mph extension is a low priority and unlikely to happen;

Action: Cllr Brown was asked to check the state of the 'missing' footpath from Cobblers Corners to Hagnaby Priory in order to have it re-instated.























Cllr Brown

Update from Cllr Aron:

Cllr Aron mentioned the Community Awareness date. Clerk advised that West Keal/East Keal did send invite but the day before.  Cllr Aron advised that on Tuesday 9th April 2pm - first community session. This will take place at West Keal - Craycroft village hall. (Richard Moody is chair at West Keal. Grahame Smith at East Keal. Cllr Brandwood to attend if available.


Usher Gallery consultation: was on the local TV news. Cllr Aron asked for people to make comments. Chairman mentioned that it is a brilliant gallery and well worth a visit.

 Cllr Aron also asdvised that Mr Andy Ratcliffe is due to retire mid-April.


Cllr Brandwood mentioned that he'd been onto fixmystreet to report the state of the road to the church. Confirmation of the work was sent to Cllr Brandwood and then was asked to confirm it had been done! Cllr Aron asked for the wording and the job number to be sent to him.


Cllr Aron left at 20.10.














Cllr Brandwood

Update from Cllr Swanson:

Cllr Swanson mentioned that ELDC Planning Application and Processing Reporting had scored highly and were equal 8th in the country, best performing for major applications;

Mr Chris Panton will be retiring 30th April as Planning Manager, but will be taking on a part-time planning officer role;

ELDC budget was approved on 20th February incl. £5m improvement for leisure activities in Mablethorpe;

ARK animal rescue has a campaign to raise money to fight noise abatement case;

Electric charging points are being installed around the district.








Financial matters:

Clerk's wages: Wages of £76.00 and £10.80 in mileage, totalling £86.80.

Minute Ref: 98/01


Acceptance of invoice was proposed by Cllr Brown seconded by Cllr Lingard. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.






Planning Applications:  None received.


Clerk was asked to write to Mr Chris Panton regarding the item raised by Chairman and Clerk after the Planning Committee meeting on 21st January 2019 regarding the time taken for the information on 21a Fen Road to be uploaded.





Communications/Urgent items for discussion: None



Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance, attention and contribution and closed the meeting at 20.55.


Minutes can be found on the village notice board and via:



Next meeting is on Thursday 18th April 2019 - starting at 19.30.


Dates for 2019 meetings: 16th May; 20th June; 18th July – all meetings start at 19.30.


(All dates are subject to change)



Mrs Janne Mussett

E-mail: eastkirkbypc@gmail.com

Tel: 01205 336515