East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting
18th July 2019 – 19.30 start
East Kirkby Village Hall
Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, Cllr C Roe, District Cllr J Swanson, County Cllr B Aron, Members of the Public (MoP), JH Mussett (Clerk)
Apologies received/accepted: Cllr V Lingard
Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the published agenda.
Public meeting: MoP advised that there has been an increase of heavy tractors and trailers accessing the bio-digester site with an increasing number of drivers driving at speed and often on their mobile telephones. MoP counted 56 trips between 7am and 8pm (One way only). The vehicles are coming from quite a distance away (Horbling Lane, A16 and then past Hagnaby Lock). Chairman clarified that the 7.5t weight limit only applies to commercial vehicles and not agricultural vehicles. Cllr Brown mentioned that the digester had broken down and the slurry tanks were being emptied, which may have also caused an increase in traffic. Discussion included the rules of the planning application which specifies the route that heavy vehicles should be taking (avoiding the village). It was agreed that Clerk would write to Mr O Shooter at AE Lenton (AEL) regarding the way the drivers are on their phones, disregarding the speed limits and pushing people off the road, both in their own vehicles and walking. Discussion also encompassed the recent increase in smell from the bio-digester which has been shut down temporarily due to a problem. In that connection, Cllr Brandwood had spoken to Mark Wallis (AEL) 17th July and invited him to come to the meeting on 18th July. However, Mr Wallis is unable to attend as he is taking the opportunity to carry out the annual maintenance on the plant whilst it is down. Cllr Swanson reminded everyone that the planning application for the bio-digester is a county council application and not East Lindsey District Council (ELDC), but that any problems with noise or smells should be reported to the Environment Agency at ELDC. Cllr Aron will mention the mobile phone usage to the East Kirkby PCSO. Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.05.
Cllr Aron
Approval of the minutes from 20th June 2019 meeting: Chairman ascertained that all had read the minutes and agreed that they were an accurate representation of the meeting. Chairman asked for a councillor to proposed acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Roe. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.
Chairman |
Update from Cllr Aron: Head of Lincolnshire County Council Cllr Martin Hill is trying to keep the Red Arrows in Lincs; Winter gritting routes are being agreed on shortly so suggestions can be put forward; Library vans are going smaller and greener; Dinosaurs are in Lincoln at the Collection Museum till end of September; Cllr Aron has met the East Kirkby PCSO (Teresa Key); LCC is in discussion with the company that 'scraped the footpaths' and left them full of potholes for a way forward. Cllr Aron left at 20.15.
Update from Cllr Swanson: Cllr Swanson updated the councillors that there is no paper to be issued on advice on septic tanks. Cllr Swanson was told that the needed information is on the Environment Agency website.
Members’ and Clerk’s report back: War memorial update:
Road closure: Chairman advised councillors that he has written to Andy Ham of Lincs Police with the details of the event as far as they are in place. Chairman to chase.
Military personnel: Cllr Brandwood has spoken to the Lincolnshire Army Cadets who may be able to attend on the day. Clerk will confirm that East Kirkby PC are very interested in having them parade and will confirm the date.
Tommy silhouette: No update. Carry forward.
Choir: The choir will perform the program once agreed.
Rev Coates: Chairman has spoken to Rev Coates.
Overall it was agreed that things are moving forward, but are being hampered by the lack of confirmation regarding the road closure. It was also agreed that all parties need to meet to discuss the schedule and time table soon.
Clerk |
Smell from digester: Covered during public meeting. Mr Wallis (AEL) has promised to advise The Tannoy of any future planned maintenance which could result in a smell in the village.
Traffic on Fen Side/Drain Bank: Covered during public meeting.
Gully in car park: Concrete around the gully has been broken either by the water or electric companies. Broken bits to be repaired. Chairman will contact Mr Craig Holmes for a quote. Cllr Roe will contact her contractor to arrange a quote.
Chairman Cllr Roe |
Planning Applications: None received.
Financial matters: Statement of internal financial control - Annual review: wording needs changing to reflect 2019. Discussion ensued regarding the External Audit and whether this information should still be there. All councillors voted to accept the procedure for the financial year to 31st March 2019. Minute ref: 108/01
Clerk’s wages: Clerk’s wages of £76.00. Mileage of £56.40 (incl. LALC meeting at North Hykeham). Cheque 100583. Wages were unanimously agreed. Minute ref: 109/01 |
Communications/Urgent items for discussion: No items raised.
Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance, attention and contributions and closed the meeting at 21.05.
Minutes can be found on the village notice board and via: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/eastkirkby
Next meeting is: Thursday 19th September 2019 - starting at 19.30.
Dates for 2019 meetings: 17th October; 5th December – all meetings start at 19.30.
Dates for 2020 meetings: 16th January; 20th February; 19th March – all meetings start at 19.30.
(All dates are subject to change) |
Mrs Janne Mussett
E-mail: eastkirkbypc@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 336515