East Kirkby Parish Council Meeting
18th October 2018 - 19.30 start
Present: Cllrs B Nowicki (Chairman), C Brandwood, D Brown, V Lingard, C Roe, District Cllr J Swanson, County Cllr B Aron, JH Mussett (Clerk)
Apologies received/accepted: None
Declarations of interest: None declared – based on the agenda.
Public meeting: No Members of the Public present. Chairman closed the public meeting at 19.35.
Approval of the minutes from September 2018 meeting: Chairman ascertained that all had read the September minutes and that they were a true representation of the meeting. Chairman asked for a councillor to proposed acceptance of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Brandwood, seconded by Cllr Lingard. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote. Chairman signed the minutes and will post a copy on the notice board.
Chairman |
Members’ and Clerk’s report back: War memorial: Chairman re-iterated the meeting with Diane Christopher from Leakes and Mrs S Vass (Next door to the memorial) and urged all councillors to attend. Meeting to be held on Friday 21st September at 10 am. Chairman showed the councillors the picture from the book sent to Clerk. This picture is from the actual dedication service of the memorial. Cllr Brandwood asked if anyone would object if the choir were to lay a wreath on the war memorial. Chairman mentioned that anyone can lay a wreath on a war memorial. Cllr Brandwood also mentioned that it would be nice if there was a dedicated reading out of the names at the Remembrance service in November 2019. Cllrs Brandwood and Lingard to liaise.
Clerk to chase Royal British Legion regarding our wreath.
LCC speed signs: Chairman asked Cllr Aron for an update on the missing 30mph signs. Chairman has been advised that the signs are mandatory and a necessity, not a 'Nice to have'. Chairman re-iterated that the county council is breaking the law. Chairman asked Cllr Aron to chase Ian Mickleburgh, Highways Officer in charge.
Bins on the Fen Road/footpaths: Awaiting update. Carry fwd.
Brandwood /Lingard
Cllr Aron
Clerk |
Update from Cllr Aron: Community engagement team presentation: Visiting West Keal (East Keal joining in) parish council meeting on 5th December. Topics covered will include funding, getting people involved. Cllr Aron suggested EKPC attend too; North Sea observatory is becoming a major attraction at Winthorpe; Pot hole backlog is slowly being cleared; Coastal highway is being moved forward; Extension of the 50mph to encompass Hagnaby Priory cross-road - Clerk to request Cllr Brown mentioned that he'd reported a drain lid off near a footpath and was repaired within a few days. Discussion ensued as to the perceived improvements to the service provided by highways with their "Fix it first time" policy.
Clerk |
Update from Cllr Swanson: Scrutiny panel: A suggestion of a £0.20 charge for using council’s public toilets to save £200k in Skegness, Louth, Mablethorpe, Sutton-on-Sea. Approved the bill of £300k to provide the machines to take the monies. Council is also proposing to spend £500k on refurbishing the public toilets; cost of public toilets in 2017 were £520K+.
Chief Exec S Davey has retired - Rob Barlow and Alison Benn/Penn are sharing duties UFN.
Cllr Aron left the meeting at 20.55.
Planning Applications: S/046 /01765/18 Somersby Lodge, 21a Fen Rd: Chairman suggested the following relevant material planning considerations for objecting to the application: Sewage smells; Layout and density of the buildings; Design and appearance;
When objecting to this application, Clerk was also asked to add the list of anomalous information contained within the application.
It was suggested that EKPC request a consultation with the planning office. Clerk to ask for a date. EKPC keen for this application to go in front of the Planning Committee as there are so many errors/ mis-information presented in the application.
Clerk to send a mail to Maxine Hicks and state the paying Council Tax etc as the bins are being picked up.
Cllrs Swanson and Brown left at 21.30.
Clerk |
Financial matters: PFK Littlejohn: Clerk advised councillors that a mistake had been made in connection with the date at which the information was required to be sent to PFK and a charge of £40.00 was made. In addition, PFK Littlejohn have charged us £200 + VAT. Clerk, in consultation with Chairman, has paid the amount already. Cheque number 100566. Minute ref: 86/01
Clerk's wages: Invoice received for £93.76. Cheque number 100567. Minute ref: 86/02
Acceptance of both invoices was proposed by Cllr Brandwood seconded by Cllr Lingard. Unanimously agreed at the subsequent vote.
Chairman to chase Barclays Bank for a new chequebook.
Chairman |
Communications/Urgent items for discussion:
As per tradition, there is no December meeting. However, the November meeting date gets moved out and this year our next meeting will be on 29th November.
Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance, attention and contribution. Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55.
Minutes can be found on the village notice board and via:
Next and last meeting in 2018 is on 29th November 2018 - starting at 19.30.
Dates for 2019 meetings: 17th January; 21st February; 21st March – all meetings start at 19.30.
(All dates are subject to change) |
Mrs Janne Mussett
E-mail: eastkirkbypc@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 336515